
The Old Zelda is the New Zelda and the Less Old Zelda is now the Old Zelda.

I want Danny DeVito.

I’m not saying I’m disappointed, but I thought this would be a Borat themed level.

I 100% agree. I have had nightmares for so many years because of the old Moon, but the new one makes it more goofy than creepy. There was something about that blank stare in the N64 version that really is chilling.

Rumour has it that Agitha the Bug Queen from Twilight Princess is one of the fighters. I don't know if that's been debunked or not though.

First of all, the $60 games model is getting less and less profitable as time goes on, hence DLC and Season Passes and all those things that make the games pricier than they already are.
Second of all, men also play "crap social games" like farmville or mobile games like Candy Crush. Not because you don't like it that

I think that what she means by that particular quote is that there is no reason why men should not make games for women. Saying "Welp, there's no enough women in game development" is not a good enough answer.

Are you implying that people who are very passionate about video games cannot have all those things? Different strokes for different folks, my friend. You can have all of these things and be very passionate about video games, just like how some people are very passionate about movies, about books, about memorabilia,

Mhmm, you're right. But the N64 had a lot of things that made it perform "badly" on the market. It was very hard to develop for the N64, and cartridges cost more money. The PS2 did extraordinarily well, but it was (partly) based on the success of the Ps1, really. And at that time, with the advent of the Xbox, a lot of

That's very understandable, but it just wouldn't profit Nintendo to have their IPs and content diluted by the competition of being just another third-party developer and not being able to quality control internally. It would mean that they would have to play by other hardware developers rules, and we all know they are

But Nintendo was never about the advanced technology of consoles, they've always been about using known technology in a smart and fun way and that's what they are still about. They develop their own hardware with their own software in mind. Why would they even think of using someone's hardware they haven't really been

I'm just happy to see there was an update to the article. But thank you.

Not just her, a lot of people jumped the gun. And a lot more will if they only see this article.

I honestly still have my doubts, but there's still a possibility that you, and everyone who thinks so, is right. I just really don't think that such an event can have that much of an effect on two companies like that. A rise of 2$ for "rival" company because of a press conference? Highly unlikely. But hey, analysis of

I kindly disagree. Maybe Microsoft's loss of stock is related to the conference, but I like to think that Sony's rise has to do with the business move they just made. Or at least, it had a bigger impact. It's not because one company's losing stock that another one has to gain some. It might just be the biggest

That's true. Especially if we consider that this was all speculation. But they're not the only ones doing so! Especially for this event. The biggest problem here is that a lot of people will assume that the speculations on websites like these, or even people in the community, are absolute truths. I was just trying to

That is a possibility, yes. I mean, stock is dependent on so many things, I doubt it could only be about one single event, so you are probably right by saying that both events contributed in a noticeable manner. But it is more accurate to talk about both events than just attribute it to the Microsoft conference,

"People never thought PC gaming was going away, it was just some loudmouths desperate to have something to write about. The Wii U is a disaster."
Well, that's ironic, isn't it?