
“Filed to:”

Preach. Touch my kid, you can expect the nuclear option. I won’t even be able to help if I wanted to.

Omg I needed that today!

Seriously, these derpy fuckers contribute nothing and we’re better off without them.

Not a gearhead, but I would be thrilled to have this guy next door. Fuck those terrible people. I hope he was able to recoup his legal fees, too, so he can spend the donations on more car things.

“He then weaves a life story of death, loss, and absentee parenting which set him on a downward spiral.” 

came here to ask exactly that. <3

If this results in Linda Tripp getting dragged to total humiliation, I’m okay with it.

I heart you.


Your point has nothing to do with the premise of the article. Not-doing-illegal-drugs does not address or solve the systemic and institutionalized racism that underlies the biased enforcement of these laws.

All correct and true. My 16 year old former “My LOVE Disney Princess” daughter is now proudly Out, fierce, and happy to explain what intersectional means to all the White Feminists in our neighborhood.

That was perfect.

Or for your kids. Or so you don’t seem as fucked up as you actually are, or because in some cases it’s like you’re complicit with your own abuse by Mr. Socially Awkard But Seemingly Nice Guy. :(

My alcoholic, emotionally abusive ex (on his best day) blew up and left last year so he could stop trying to pretend he was a normal, decent person, leaving me to single parent our young teenagers. In a million years I didn’t think I could do it, which is why I clung to that horrible nonsense for so long. But one year



I’m okay with this being the high point of today’s events.