
Hopefully this is kind of amusing, and not just in a you-had-to-be-there kind of way:

Did he manage to eat the Taco Bell? After getting my wisdom teeth out, I didn't even want to think about crunchy food for about two weeks.

I’m so sorry you lost your kitty. Even though it was three years ago, I still miss my ‘weimador’ Zoe. I had to have her put to sleep when she was 1 1/2 weeks shy of her 19th birthday. I objectively know that I did the right thing for her because she was suffering with no hope of a cure, but I still feel a huge

I’m so sorry! The father of one of my uncles by marriage was a child molester - I remember being so creeped out and uncomfortable by him, even before I knew what that meant. He died long ago but I still wonder how my uncle coped with having a child molester for a father. When this became known, his wife divorced him,

It’s a wonderful book. As far as your grandparents go, it seems important that your grandfather decided to stay. Hopefully there was a great love story between your great-grandparents, despite their national and cultural differences.

I recommend reading Modern Ireland by R. F. Foster for context. It’s one of the few thoughtful & balanced histories of the Troubles.

I have a friend who keeps telling me that stopping his meds & taking magnesium supplements will cure my SO’s lifelong epilepsy. I’m like: “Uh, no. Do you even have any idea how epilepsy manifests?”

Same here. I grew up in New Orleans, within smelling distance of a coffee roasting facility. I started drinking cafe au lait out of my great grandmother’s saucer after she let it cool off. Now, many years later, I am a fiend, especially for cold brew concentrate! Coffee coffee coffee!

Or one of those “personalized” books with the child’s first name inserted into the story.

Here in Colorado (in the town of Crestone), there is an organization that offers the only open-air funeral pyre in the U.S. Apparently the service is only available to residents of Crestone and the surrounding area though. I also like the idea of the “sky burial.”

I love everything about this.

Me too. Glad I'm not the only one.

No shame! Be the you that makes you feel comfortable with yourself.

No, you're not an anomaly. I'm petite (5'3") too and my 36D breasts have been a source of discomfort, annoyance, embarrassment & clothing-related issues pretty much since I developed. I'd love to be able to run or go horseback riding without the feeling of skin stretching/tearing. I wear a bra all the time (except in

Waxelene is great for so many things.

Waxelene is great for so many things.

The thought of being 68 years old and having an 18 year old is scary to me. I hope her support network is as good as she thinks it is in the event that she is ill or, god forbid, dead before the child can take care of him/herself.

Thanks for the info. We'll have to discuss this with my guy's neurologist as this comes closer to reality.

I agree with you about cooking with what's available. I'm originally from New Orleans, and the main thing I miss is the food. Enjoy your visit with your son & enjoy all the delicious food I long to eat.

My husband is in the same situation as you - I know that there are research studies being funded here in Colorado using funds collected by the state from the legal MJ industry. the employment thing is tough because the non-psychoactive stuff like CBD oil shows up on drug test and is still considered illegal. Of

My husband is in his 40s and has had epilepsy since he was 5. The oil has been extremely helpful in lessening the frequency and severity of his seizures. It's been a godsend because he's been prescribed just about every anti-seizure medication approved in the USA and always seems to develop a tolerance to them or