
Yes you can.

Right but if she hit him first then it's her own fucking fault. Keep your hands to yourself and you stand a far, far lesser chance of being hit yourself. That part is continually lost in this discussion.

You just equated a 13 year old to a grown woman. The adult knew what she was doing and hit him anyway. Getting punched in the face fucking hurts. You don't get to repeatedly punch people that are stronger than you just because it won't hurt them as much and not expect retribution. That's some bullshit, inequality

Bullshit. Getting punched in the face fucking hurts regardless. Don't punch someone and your chances of getting go down drastically.

Pretty sure that was never said. What was said was that if they want to have a separate standard compared to how this would be handled if it was a guy doing what Janay did that it's not too much to ask them not to initiate violence, and, if they do, that we don't demonize the person who didn't start it while calling

That's idiotic and you know it. You cannot instigate rape, however you can and she did instigate violence by hitting him first. Don't start hitting someone and you won't be hit. Period. Could/should he have just wrestled her down, held her down, and ran away once the elevator opened and he could have removed

How is that trolling? If one person starts a fight with another person and loses said fight, why should only the person who didn't initiate the violence be vilified while the instigator gets to be the victim solely because they started a fight against someone they knowingly had no chance to beat up. If you removed

Ray Rice's now wife IS a victim, but she was also the aggressor so I'm far less hesitant to sympathize to her and that's the point people just won't acknowledge. She was arrested too.

Is this for both of them? Because she hit him too. If not, then you're missing the whole point of what he's saying and further making his point that the person who responded to the initial violence is being called a monster while the person who started it is getting a free pass and painted as a victim just because

Second sexual assault is kind of wrongly categorizing Big Ben's thing. The first one was by someone in a casino who was well-known to casino employees for being unscrupulous and trying to scam people. Big Ben, by virtue of being rich and famous, was probably targeted for that reason and that one has come out as

Of course, both should have been and were arrested, but at what point is it unfair to call someone a monster for hitting someone back who (reportedly) initiated the violence and was hitting him continually in an enclosed space that he couldn't remove himself from? That's the discussion he's trying to have and no

Right but what if the physically weaker party initiates the violence as (reportedly) happened here and throws multiple punches with no indication of stopping? Is the physically stronger party who didn't start anything supposed to just take it? If you answer multiple punches with just one of your own to end an attack

Even if she were hitting Ray Rice, why couldn't Rice just restrain her?

Domestic violence was perpetrated by both of them but NO ONE is mentioning his wife who, by every story including that of the cops, hit him too. Considering she was arrested too and reports are he only through one punch it'd seem she hit him first (and reportedly more than once.)

I'm well aware of the story that has been put forward about her hitting her head. But I think if the elevator tape showed that, the NFL would have made sure it leaked out.

Is that pro tip to Ray Rice's fiancé who hit him first? Because the police arrested them both and, if he knocked her out (which he did) and only hit her once (the story that she told) then by definition she hit him first.

No. Know what's the worst? People that think hypocracy is okay. Not trying to start a flame war but comments like that are the reason the term "feminazi" exists among assholes and gives the douchebags that use it ammo to point at and go, "See, they're being completely hypocritical so why should I listen to (the

That's awesome! :)

But you didn't not know each other at all. You spent the whole evening talking, presumably not about how he could go fuck himself.

My thought exactly. There's enough real sexist crap this blog exposes, to make a strawman from this is just insulting and honestly counter-productive to the cause overall. Each time someone calls the posters here "feminazis" they need only point to a post like this to get ammo as to why they shouldn't even listen to