
I wasn't blown away. I predicted you guys would beat the Pats then get run in the SuperBowl by either SF or Seattle (the only two teams with as much talent as you) and actually put down $$$ on just that (beating us then losing by 13.5 in the SB) the week of the conference title games. It's how Peyton works almost

No, they shouldn't be able to enter the draft because they take jobs from deserving vets when, all but LeBron and maybe Dwight were absolutely not ready for the NBA in year 1 and it's not the responsibility of the best league in the world to develop guys who haven't even proven they can beat players with similar

No way. Champ def gets the respect he deserves from hardcore fans anyway. I've never met anyone that doesn't echo your "one of the best I've ever seen" sentiment. That guy was a fucking STUD though I don't believe Brees at all. Looked pretty much done (as a starter anyway) the past few years.

I really hate how quickly I'm doing a 180 on him. I kind of liked hating heel-LeBron. He... he still wears his headband like a jackass. Damnit

I wonder how many points for showing up in these?

It's really not hard and I don't know how many times this can be said, baseball isn't basketball. Beyond repeating myself on roster size and the insanely huge differences in their minor league systems, most times, having the best player in baseball means fuck all whereas in basketball, it all but guarantees you a

haha that's a PERFECT example though. You nailed the TMac pick and by the time he was actually ready to really substantially contribute to a team, he left. He should have been a year or 2 older by the time he got drafted (the stats back it up too - 7ppg, 9.3ppg, jumps to 15ppg in year 3 - would be his rookie year

Oh I have no doubt about the guy's competitiveness but after the choke jobs/consistently playing waaaaay below his amazing standards in the playoffs he def needs another one just to reach that top tier. Beyond that it's all opinion. And Manning was amazing last year, no doubt, but he also had a LOADED WR/TE core.

Yes, MJ helped but he had nothing to do with why your average Bucks Raptors game's ratings went up or down at any given time. You guys can disagree all you want but I lived it and I know what I saw, I know what I heard from other season ticket holders over the past 20 years and I know what I heard from other diehards

But you can't pay them all and only the ones in sports that are routinely showing up on SportsCenter or ABC primetime, etc. can truly make the argument that their $30K+ "stipend" of a scholarship isn't commensurate with the money being made on their likenesses, and that is why it will never happen. You can't pay one

Look at TV ratings. There's your fact. Look at even Bill Simmons (by all accounts a huuuuge hoophead) and read his NBA draft diaries those years and you'll see a diehard losing interest as half the draft is "who is that?" Look at attendance for non-contending teams who took a hit and either had to draft a HS kid

They were basically forced to draft HS kids because the system allowed them to enter and basically all of the best prospects were declaring from high school. Those that skipped out on drafting the HS kids are always the guys who passed on Kobe or Amare, but no one ever assumes their GM would have been the guy going

I'm just saying, Brady took a safety to start the second Giants SB and ended up being a Hail Mary (or a better pass to an open Welker with 4 mins to go, already up 4) away from another ring. The first play only matters if the subsequent ones are bad too. Peyton was rattled the entire day. To say nothing of the fact

"Screwing someone out of $10 million is screwing someone out of $10 million, no matter how much money they make in their lifetime."

Dude, people knew of LeBron when he was 14. They also knew of Sebastian Telfair. You can predict a good chunk of the #1 picks years ahead of time. Doesn't mean they should get paid until their skills are close enough to the potential that's obviously there that they're ready to play in what's, again, THE VERY BEST

"I'm saying the NBA should do what those leagues did and you're responding with saying that the NBA can't do that because they haven't done it before."

I will stop acting like that (not that I was, just using a common, everyday example of it happening everywhere with much, much smaller stakes) when you stop acting like just because they have to do something that most everyone else does too that it's also not fair.

How is it a punishment to force them to climb the ladder like most of us have to? Not every league has that requirement but this one does and that's perfectly fair. I didn't get my job by skipping college and convincing someone that I have the raw talent to do it if they trained me. I got my job by completing

YES! The system allowed players in that had no business being n the very pinnacle of their industry.

Because the NCAA was already doing it. HS kids weren't doing this until the 90s so they didn't have to develop a league until then. Most people don't realize that there aren't more than like 20 practices during the entire NBA season so the skills you think should be developed? There just isn't time for it. And