
Re the NCAA - I've said non-stop that's a scam and kids should do what this kid has done and go get paid overseas.

Because most of those people working "real jobs" aren't doing it in the very pinnacle of their profession being (one of) the face of their "branch" while being paid millions of dollars. But you're right, definitely the same thing.

Right. Except Kwame was a model kid. Super nice, etc. You only know how you can be outside of basketball when you haven't been living with mom and dad your whole life. When do people usually move away from home for the first time? College? WEIRD

Untrue. Baseball works because they have complete control over players' earning power for almost a decade AND an established minor league system that EVERYONE goes to. In the NBA, rookie deals are 4 years and then you have to pay them. JO left Portland and no one knew how good he could be then became one of the

Right, OR they want to know that someone's actually qualified against the 2nd best level of competition before committing millions of dollars to someone who'd previously been playing against some people who weren't even legally allowed to drive yet.

Right, and in baseball you can come right from high school so not everything's the same. BUT if you want to be a doctor, you need to go to school. If you want to be a dentist, you need to go to school. Unless Bill Gates started his own business, even if he was brilliant, guess who can't be the CEO (or really

Right, the NBA who makes precisely none of that "billions of dollars," is definitely interested in that instead of 1. not taking jobs from more-deserving older vets (the CBA's negotiated by the players too and that's an issue for them) and 2. making sure the guys are actually capable of playing in the league (or at

Because it's a no-win situation at that point. Either you're the team afraid to take a chance/missed out on a stud because you wanted help now because you actually respect the people who pay hundreds of dollars to attend your games and want them to see a team ready to play now or you're the team that wasted 4 years

Yes, when you allow ALL of them that are supposed to be first round picks to declare then the best of the best will, sure. That doesn't change the fact that there are many, many more busts there that cost their team millions of dollars and useless years of development or that end up ruined and useless by the time

No no no. The top 3 in the past 20-30 years is clearly Montana, Brady, and Elway. I can't speak to the older guys like Johnny U and Stauback who should prob get a mention but that's the list and no one was arguing that after yet another choke job by Manning. He's the best of the rest but he doesn't belong in that

No one's denying an 18 year old a job, they're only saying, "You're not qualified for this yet. You have to prove yourself someplace that's a step up from where you've been before we'll allow you to take one of maybe 500 jobs available in the very best league in the world." It's job requirement. Doctors have to go

Right but along those lines, if he was allowed to go pro for every Kobe there's ten Korleone Youngs so it's tough either way.

With an attitude like that no wonder it's not GeneralCastro.

It's not exploitation, it's an extended job interview. I want proof that my 1st round pick can ball against real comp and not some HS kids (not everyone's from great HS leagues like in NY) before we invest a pick and guaranteed money in them. There are other avenues to go make $$$ that people can, do, and should

No no no. That is part of it (and it should be if you're going to pay them millions of dollars) but it's also not wanting another Kwame Brown who'd famously never even slept away from his home on his own until his new GM set him up in an apartment and Kwame hesitantly asked him if he was going to stay. These guys

"Dwell on last year all you want" - the guy mentioning their 7 SB appearances over the past 50 years.

They could have continued to fight. They settled at that number. Can't blame the school for offering a settlement and them saying ok.

Then, after, people can rush to defend Peyton like he didn't wet himself in a big game AGAIN against the first team they played all year with equal talent as them. But you're right, insane people, he's the best QB ever and definitely not worse than Montana, Elway, and Brady for sure.

Of course. Hercules does something awesome for the first time, dust clears to Sorbo with a surprised look on his face, "Woah, who was that?"

If paying out $1.3M and being publicly shamed doesn't prompt them to fix it then nothing will.