Also he's a man.
Also he's a man.
This dude should read The Golden Bough.
How many Biebs equal a Gronk?
What happened to that dude to Peterson's left? Is he trying to get out of the TV shot or is AP bowling him over?
Where is this fine dining pizza place that serves family-style Caeser salad and pre-made salad dressing?
How many beers did he chug at once!?!?! The people need to know!
They keep calling me!
Go back to Gawker.
I'll check the Hop River Motel outside Willimantic, CT tonight, chances are high.
Burns would have pinch hit a lefty for him.
This has been the best thing to happen on the Jeter farewell tour and Joe can't even let us enjoy it.
Read Kingdom of Fear.
Better than defending a fiancee/wife beater in a court of law/public opinion?
I live two towns from the UCONN campus. There are two Fieros parked in the driveway up the street from me. One runs, the other is on cinder blocks with all the wheels off and the engine sitting on blocks next to it. I hope this guy is renting the basement apartment with a Judas Priest poster on the wall.
I've been tweeting Sandy Alderson furiously to sign this kid.
All of them are retarded.
What this article misses is that this equipment did not succeed in bringing peaceful and stable governments to Iraq or Afghanistan. If the shit hits the fan in the US, what makes them think they will help here?
The opposing pitcher threw over 200 pitches in a state tournament game my junior year. We won in extra innings and the opposing coach destroyed a bag of quick-dry in their dugout. I played with the kid that summer and our Legion coach wouldn't let him throw for 3 weeks. Some coaches have perspective, some don't.