Very little truly changes, we just survive as best we can.
Very little truly changes, we just survive as best we can.
As a pc gamer too, I can appreciate higher fps but for sure, anything over 60 is just bonus. That’s the sweet spot where controls are responsive, there’s no visual lag when moving the camera, etc. It just feels right. 30 is fine if that’s all they can achieve but..
They literally just need to unlock the framerate or set a cap at 60 and people would be happy. TLOU2 got that and made the game far better for a replay earlier this year. Tons of other big games from last gen get it too - heck even Far Cry 5 just got a patch this year unlocking the framerate.
Oh man Elden Ring needed PS+ for that stuff? I guess I technically did play online sometime in the past two years then! Still canceling my sub when it runs out.
Best immersion improvement I’ve done is mod the FOV to be closer to 100. And I guess I’ve been spoiled by Cyberpunk, but I honestly wish the game looked better, given the relatively poor performance. I’ve got Cyberpunk running with psycho ray tracing at better frame rates, it’s crazy. Really hope we get a serious…
Right? I don’t identify at all with people who compulsively binge games like this. Especially when they’re complaining about boredom - I can’t imagine continuing to play a video game that’s boring me, the most optional activity on earth.
mid-boss checkpoints! now that’s just straight up a quality of life feature I love.
They literally say “basically” and “just about everything” which clearly indicate exceptions. and that’s before literally using the word caveat and then explaining the caveat. That’s the verbiage which connects the two seemingly opposing quotes you took out of crucial context.
language sure can change meaning when you omit a bunch of words before, between, and after those two quoted bits.
Having just replayed Guardians of the Galaxy, which had some fantastic accessibility options, and currently replaying TLOU2, it seems like an idiotic oversight for such a massive AAA game to drop with barebones in that department.
No one likes a snitch, especially not one who can’t tell the difference between an individual person and a giant corporation lol
Glad to know the term “director’s cut” has lost all meaning. It used to be *the studio meddled and here’s my preferred original version* and now it just means, here’s a longer version of the same shit and we shot and did vfx for all of it so neither cut is truly definitive lol
honestly kinda curious about those slow drunk cutscenes lol
yeah the “good” should be in quotes since 700 download is good but 10 upload is bad
The crappy thing is that even here in the US with very good internet service, my upload tops out at 10mb/s so games streamed outside my home wifi will likely be crap and the same goes for 99% everyone else in this country.
fwiw, all the original console FPS games gave me motion sickness and it wasn’t until much later I realized that it was all due to the extremely narrow FOV they tended to use. Halo was a total killer for me. Goldeneye too. Turok was maybe the worst, and the thick fog didn’t help!
Fair enough! This is why I’m a console hoarder, I still have everything going back to ps2 so that I don’t end up pinned by a crappy publisher. I definitely get the desire to just want to play these classics again.
that’s fine, you can slurp down garbage and tell the giant corporation you’re grateful for it.
Funny, because MGS2 ran at 60fps on ps2.
Yeah my whole point is that this is a low effort trash rerelease instead of just doing the job properly. Why simp for these crappy companies doing less than the bare minimum? I’m looking at Red Dead Redemption, a game 10 years newer, running perfectly fine on the switch right now and Konami can’t even be bothered to…