If that’s the case, he shouldn’t have stated that it was the very first version.
If that’s the case, he shouldn’t have stated that it was the very first version.
Right? I literally stopped reading there to come down to here to see if anybody else was like “what the fuck”
lol talk about a novel length comment that says absolutely nothing
That was me for the longest time, but now I pretty much just play one big game at a time, and maybe futz around with some indies in between them. I’m still bothered that I can’t keep other big games on there “just in case” though lol
It’s probably because the kind of people who obsessively track upcoming games and write about them on sites like this are cynical perpetually online people who know that it’s not “cool” to enjoy Rick and Morty or anything loosely associated with it. but then once regular people got their hands on it, many of them…
I’m not a big fan of that aspect either, but at least it’s intentional as a space game. I did play Halo Infinite last year and enjoyed the brief campaign fwiw but not a game I’ll be going back to
Nope, US. it wasn’t the tv type, just the super narrow fov in the game - probably much worse in split screen!
Spot on, really compelling case you make there. I believe it because I tried at the time to play Halo on a friend’s xbox. we took turns at first, then did a couple hours of the campaign on co-op and of course that was fun, but I realized I was getting a terrible headache. every time I watched someone play it I’d get…
I never owned an Xbox and I grew up playing PC shooters in the 90s, so I missed the Halo series. I got the collection on gamepass free last year and tried playing the original and just.. god, the outdated design was painful. I eventually gave up out of a combination of boredom & frustration. There’s a lot going on in…
more of an immersive sim than a shooter
FOV is a huge factor. I grew up playing fps games on pc from the early 90s onward but when I tried to play Halo with a friend, I was nauseous and headachy within an hour and I always thought of it as the “headache game” - only years later I realized that it had a super narrow FOV compared to all the pc games I’d been…
goddamn this just made me smile and want so badly to replay. good timing, since that ps5 update just came out.
Same, it never felt “inevitable” at all. Almost none of the games in this open world action-rpg genre are multiplayer, in fact.
the worst offender has to be Ghosts of Tsushima, which had the balls to charge $30 for an extremely minimal ps5 upgrade (it was already 1800p and 60fps on the console in ps4 form) because they tied it to DLC and offered no other option to upgrade.
Heck the sun starts rising at like 4 something in Edinburgh so it makes sense that it’d rise even earlier in a game set in a fictional nordic country right?
Which aspects of gameplay were antiquated in 2015?
Every slide was hiding loading, no doubt - most of them were connections between different hubs in levels. and seriously, I died way more to those than I did to ANY boss in the game, and I played it on hard mode! If they’re not gone, I riot lol
My hope is that since they’re sticking with the engine and it looks like a lot of the same or similar assets.. maybe this won’t take 3 more years??
In this game’s case, it’s about the world design itself. the original is FULL of so many elements that “hide” loading, most notably these really long sliding sequences that sucked. designing strictly for new consoles allows developers to do things that are impossible on slower hard drives or with lower ram. that’s…
Didn’t learn.. what?