
Unless you’ve got a near 1:1 ratio of attendees to security, it’s *always* going to be possible for huge groups of people to overrun security in a situation like that. How much security would you need, realistically, to hold back a crowd doing that? What would they have to be armed with?  What tactics would they be

Yeah, I’ve always really loved this movie.  It really does feel like a “modern” 80s fantasy movie, and I don’t think it’d have felt out of place if released alongside stuff like Princess Bride, Willow, Labyrinth, etc.  I enjoy it quite a bit more than the book it’s based on, actually, which is unusual for me.

I look forward to the director’s cut where the protagonist kills the same enemy over and over again for eight hours because it never drops the macguffin that’s been driving the plot.

“...props to her for introducing some Eastern spirituality staples to Western sensibilities.”

Can we please just get back to putting fucking numbers in our sequel titles, already?  I’m looking at you too, video game industry.

Yeah, agreed. I’d still be playing BL2 and TPS if I wasn’t so familiar with all the levels by now that I could do ‘em in my sleep. All I really want from a new Borderlands is just “more,” and it looks like BL3 should hopefully do the trick.

Aha, it’s the “people coming back and life returning to normal” thing I was wondering about.  (I’ve only seen a couple of the MCU films and didn’t care about Infinity War or Endgame, was just curious after having read about Infinity War.)  So they did just sort of walk back the whole half-of-everyone-died thing? Via

Honestly, that would just raise even more disturbing questions. Like... what in the world would the “solution” be in that case? Manually trying to shove the shit down the U-bend? Scooping it up and... throwing it out the window? Smearing it on your face? What in the world is the endgame there? I mean, sure, if you’ve

That is the least harrowing “broken toilet” story I think I’ve ever heard. Contact with the water in the holding tank of a toilet is only gross due to psychological connection to the water in the bowl. Maybe there’s some rust or hard water buildup or something, big deal. You’re already washing your hands afterwards

I wonder if Gaiman came to mind on account of there’s already a movie called “Stardust” from 2007, based on a Gaiman book. We’ve already got plenty of franchise reboots flat-out re-using the name of the original movie and complicating everyone’s IMDB/RT/Metacritic searches -- let’s not exacerbate the problem by

I was actually among those few folks who found Ghostbusters 2016 to be quite delightful all around. I actually saw it *twice* in theaters, even. Like a few other modern “reboot” type things, I felt that the cast would do well to have another sequel to sink into it a bit more without all the expectations of “omg

Now playing

This is tangentially related at best, but:

I liked various games from like five years ago because my PC is bloody ancient and I should really upgrade it one of these days so I can play anything remotely modern.

Fair enough, though I’d argue that there’s only so many ways you can take “what’s the point of experimentation if it doesn’t result in good songs,” few of which don’t call into question the value of artistic experimentation in general.

What a bizarre sentiment. Do you believe that art is universally “bad” or “good?” (Or put another way: that two people might have different opinions about an album like this?) Do you think that perception of art doesn’t change over time? Do you feel that any step in a process which doesn’t immediately result in

“really bizarre album, really”, and then “pull a Mink car on me and sneak up on me” just after? I need an editor, clearly. :/

Now playing

TMBG’s “I Like Fun” is a really bizarre album, really. I’ve given it four listens so far and it hasn’t clicked with me yet, like Their past three or four albums have (IMO They’ve been on a roll with really fantastic albums for awhile now). There’s definitely some great tracks in there, though, and I’m guessing this

While going through the usual adolescent Monty Python phase, a friend and I decided to check out The Meaning of Life - We weren’t actually watching it with my folks, but my dad did seem to have impeccable timing when it came to walking into the room during the naughtier bits of that one, and we were young enough to be