but trying to change the Dems from within is too much of an uphill battle.
but trying to change the Dems from within is too much of an uphill battle.
For those who may have clicked the link in the article expecting something that says “via the museum’s other, almost relentlessly delightful gift shop offerings.” to actually link to the gift shop and not inexplicably to another Jez blog post, here’s one that does:
If it was me, I probably would have checked to see what the seating situation was like before heading out, which you’re able to do with reserved seating. Also, if it was still that popular three weeks in, what makes you think seats would be available without reservations?
I know theaters generally get bashed on these boards, but in my case the AMC Theaters in my area have been very nice, clean and comfortable with reserved recliner seating and stuff — just a really pleasant movie-going experience altogether.
Speaking of which, that seems to impact so many bodily functions and I have so many questions, but it’s not like the show will ever need to dive into that.
“Even though I was deadly serious, it’s a joke because I don’t want to go to jail!”
“When asked for comment, giant wooden vagina simply smiled quietly to herself ...”
Lol, you’re going to have to make up your mind about whether “Defund the police” is a bad slogan because it is too straightforward about an unpopular idea, or whether it’s a bad slogan because it is not straightforward enough about what it means and everyone is confused about it.
The point being made there is the policy that actually serves the goal of making “the police into an institution that serves society” is abolition.
I can’t speak to what you’ve seen online, or what the credentials of those people are.
Who are these people? Where have you read people explaining that “defund the police” actually means that? I don’t think they are defund the police activists...
You apparently read the same exact post within minutes of each other, and came to radically different conclusions not just about what I had explained, but about whether I had explained anything!
So, first of all, “taking money from the police and putting it into other social services—polls around 50%,” is not the same thing as defunding the police
What did I just explain?
What does “be better at it” mean in that context?
So, progressives shouldn’t advocate for progressive policy?
Brushing past the fact that people calling for the police to be defunded aren’t saying their ultimate goal is police reform.
So he went ahead and Pardoned Flynn.
And that hopefully ends that
Uhhhhh...what’s the logic here? Because cars didn’t exist when the US constitution was originally ratified?