First: It’s Tenacious D — embarrassing is a feature, not a bug.
First: It’s Tenacious D — embarrassing is a feature, not a bug.
I really like Safe+Mate masks, but that particular color/material combo really is dingy-underwear adjacent. I usually just get the black ones but for some reason once ordered a three-pack of different colors and immediately took this one out of the rotation, because yikes!
I’m talking more about the navigation menu at the top — the “latest” button is now more consistently placed, and that’s honestly the only/main thing I’m interested in ;-)
“Good people on both sides,” amirite?
Not saying it’s great, but at least things are slowly becoming more consistent between sites now ...
All of this might give the impression that there was no contrast between the two candidates on Tuesday night, that both were equally to blame for the ninety minutes of chaos. It’s a mode of news analysis, relying on equivocation, that strenuously attempts to be fair-minded and balanced and accurate but misses what’s…
I’ve wondered sometimes why nobody in his administration pushes back on his bullshit. He’s not king. There’s gotta be somebody that’s not under his thumb that can tell him no.
For sanity’s sake, I’m just assuming this is a lost SC seat and if it happens that some shred of Republican consistency rears its head and we wait until Inauguration Day then I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I am sure there will be plenty available and everyone who wants one will get a pair because that’s how supply and demand works.
$130, actually =)
I’m looking forward to seeing how this film treats the subject vs 1999's RKO 281, which was excellent in so many ways ...
Crazy how you said “especially when used with a mask.”
Crazy how you said “especially when used with a mask.”
This is especially ironic since i09 just ran something yesterday about how useless these things are when used alone.
This is especially ironic since i09 just ran something yesterday about how useless these things are when used alone.
So: Renew you passport NOW, because doing so will only increase the hassle that the passport office is currently dealing with.
To be fair, it’s not like he uttered a scream of joy at a victory rally — THAT would be disqualifying! The electorate has standards, after all.
I wasn’t commenting on the rightness or wrongness of anything, just that the OP’s characterization of the current situation was incorrect: For better or worse, the Apple App Store policies have been in place since it opened; they didn’t spring anything on developers or customers overnight.
Except that’s not what’s happening with the Apple App Store. The walled garden and 30% cut have been there from the start, and everyone — developers and consumers alike — knows what the deal is going in and what they’re signing up for / purchasing. It’s not like those particular conditions just popped-up overnight.
when is the right time and where is the right place to have an opinion that isn’t 100% hero worship?
If the neck gaiter is causing more droplet dispersion than wearing no mask at all,
You actually think it’s unreasonable to think a conservative Republican shouldn’t be a featured speaker at the Democratic National Convention?