Apocalypse Cow

You, and I quoted the bit where you thought it was not an unreasonable litmus test to say that Kasich shouldn’t speak. I was rebutting that by proposing there really isn’t a downside to have him speak unless the concern is that will cost votes, in which case those particular votes probably aren’t worth the effort to

I don’t think it’s an unreasonable “purity test” or “litmus test” to say “Maybe Democrats shouldn’t invite a conservative Republican to speak at their convention.”

Now playing

Dang! Here I was hoping for an epic sequel to this:

I’m just saying that we know that VP choice doesn’t impact voting choice in any material way

A good point, but it’ll have to happen before (or at??) the convention Aug. 17-20, so the announcement can’t happen after August ;-)

Also, if elected, Joe will be the oldest to enter office, so there’s just that much more chance that whoever is the Veep will have to take over at some point ...

“He didn’t mean that, because you know, you don’t have those tests at offer,”

Meanwhile, in other awesome grifting news:

Wait, so Donald Trump hasn’t drained the swamp?

Now playing

Help us JOE-B-ONE. You’re our only hope.

But ... but ... Fort Rommel and Joint Base Hirohito are part of our heritage, man!

I’m with you all the way — I can’t help thinking that as good news as this all is (with exceptions - the CFPB ruling isn’t ... great), it’s all just working up to something *really* bad down the line ...

So they just copy and pasted the Texas law that got struck down and they expected no one would notice?

“We drastically reduced our maximum venue capacity of 10,000 to 4,000 maximum capacity (lower than the state’s advisement of 50%) with less than 1,000 in attendance Saturday night, providing ample space in the outdoor lawn area for fans to spread out to their own comfort level, ... He added that temperature checks

Pence took off his mask when he began speaking.

I’m not sure what significance it has exactly, but a quick search of that 2011 AV Club recap you linked to of the AD&D episode and its 511 comments returned the use of blackface exactly ...


Also gotta love the 45 strapped to his chest for those shorter-range firefight situations hunters often find themselves involved in. The holster with the Spartan icon just *chef’s kiss* completes the ensemble because that kind of stuff scares the hell out of the Bambis ...