Apocalypse Cow

Here’s the thing about Flynn: Either he lied to the FBI, or he lied to the court about lying to the FBI — there is no scenario where he didn’t criminally lie to someone. Even if the original case gets tossed altogether (“the FBI was wrong to ask to begin with, so it’s immaterial if he lied to them,” I guess is the way

lol Unintended consequences but it was a typo.

it wouldnt surprise me if Barr released an “interpretation” that says that it’s not relevant whether or not the statue is commemorating the depicted person’s service in that war or not

Trump has “enacted an act” called the “Statue and Monument Act” that comes with a ten-year jail sentence for trying to deface statues.

Actually, all those orders are for Bolton’s new book ...

The only way to win an impeachment would be to get Republicans to go along, and the Democrats abandoned that idea almost before they got started

Yeah, that was my immediate reaction, too: You’re *arresting* her on the campaign’s orders? THATS’s a fucking scary thought right there.

No worries -- I have confidence it’ll come down eventually =) Virginia’s on a good path, we just need to keep electing the right folks!

Gonna say Love Field is the loser in that scenario


Did they also make voting day a holiday? No?

Coincidentally, I just saw a YouTube video about “things you may not know about Pulp Fiction” and one of the “things” was that they shot the needle scene in reverse — at the start, Travolta is at the “plunged” stage and he pulls the needle away from Uma. Then of course in the movie that just runs backwards .

While this is obviously a good thing, with 2020 being what it’s been so far (or heck, the past few years being what they’ve been, for that matter) I can’t shake the feeling this is just offsetting something really horrendous coming down the line ...

I also find interesting the implication that the police themselves consider a Taser to be a device that when potentially used against them is life-threatening enough to warrant a response with lethal force ...

Looks like they’re retiring that design, though, so you kids get them while you can. (I just ordered mine ;-)

No, I absolutely get the underlying concept — as I said, I liked it a lot the first time around. Just getting to fleshing-out that concept seemed a lot less ... fluid? sophisticated? organic! the second time around, for some reason, to the point where it was unwatchable. Hopefully a third viewing will set things right

I’m going to have to give this film another try:

Not to burst your bubble, but the statue that was torn down was of Jefferson Davis — As far as I can tell, the Robert E. Lee memorial you’re talking about is still standing pending a resolution of that injunction you also mentioned.

I used to be a fan of the Beatles until they started singing songs about love and holding hands.