Apocalypse Cow

They’re not even tough questions

What the F is it then?

... Biden’s digital footprint still significantly dwarfs Trump’s.

Now playing

Honestly, though, this may be one of the better things of the Corona Era yet =D

From the link you provided, it looks like the NY elections board voted to remove candidates from the ballot who had suspended their campaigns — including Bernie’s — which resulted in them cancelling the primary entirely because it was now therefore uncontested ...

That’s a lot cheaper then taking my two kids and my self to the movies, (not including snacks) it’s rented for 48 hours and I am home.

So to get things straight:

Thusly, this episode of “One of Everything” was almost painful to watch because I was hungry and I haven’t had a proper deli sandwich in far, far too long.

Just want to mention a couple things:

Just want to mention a couple things:

“... but at some point, we have to ... come up with the next phase of this that doesn’t have us continuously locked inside our homes”

What. THE FUCK. Is that photo?

when CNN itself is making decisions that withhold public health information from their audience.

All you’re doing is blaming Sanders and his supporters in advance to absolve any Biden any blame for being a middling candidate.

In fact, I think there’s very little downside in starting to talk about economic issues in ways that would appeal to Sanders supporters!

but as a woman, with actual plans”

Certainly all reasonable questions. I guess it all depends on how well they think they have a handle on the pulse of (at this point) the national electorate, and wether moving to left to appease a faction of Democratic voters would lose them some support of voters nationwide or even of more conservative Democrats ...

I mean, if Biden wants, or thinks he needs, Sanders supporters, he can start doing things to try to win them over.

To be fair, he was asked to drop out after Super Tuesday, but that’s kind of beside the point.

What the fuck do you not get about “He has pledged to support Biden as the nominee”?

I think the Never Clinton faction was a lot more broad-based and was orders of magnitude larger than a Never Biden movement will be this time around, though. Plus, she was female, which was also an unreasonable factor that Joe obviously doesn’t have to contend with this time around ....