Apocalypse Cow

Ha! Russel Johnson — another Gilligan’s Island link =)

Except you just know that if when Trump does encourage everyone to get back to work to save the economy his grifting businesses, Lindsey will bend over forward for Trump and praise that decision ...

I actually have no problems with such “chickenpox” parties, but with the following caveats:

What’s more depressing that Trump’s lying, deflecting and pandering; more depressing than how flagrant and obvious it all is; more depressing than it being presented in such a petulant, childish, third-grade schoolyard manner; more depressing that it constantly sets a new low standard for governance ...

Its not exactly mismanagement to not prepare your business for the extreme scenario that you literally can’t do business for several weeks

which are definitely apartment complexes, correct?

will Dax and Kristen waive the rent again? Better yet, will they cede this land over to the tenants and dissolve their property empire? I’m guessing the answers I seek are a hearty, resounding “No!”

Cool. Then he can ask if everyone else is willing to be hospitalized for the economy. 8o% of deaths may have been 65+, but the people hospitalized and in ICU’s are pretty evenly spread amongst age groups — apparently everybody’s been sharing that pain.

This is definitely on Trump for irresponsibly mentioning an unapproved and largely untested drug for COVID-19 treatment in the first place ...

Equipment: Something heavy to lift, something to hold onto while you dip. Doesn’t sound exhaustive (pun!).

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the theory behind the lawsuit: the ACA was fine with a mandate — a mandate which the Republicans hated and said was unconstitutional, but the SC said was a tax and therefore was okay. But now that those same Republicans reduced the mandate “tax” to zero, the fact that it’s zero

How would him dropping out save lives?

I had to watch this twice, since the first time around I was just so fascinated how the plant in the background most of the time frames the top of the good doctor’s head so perfectly. It’s like it’s hugging him =)

Seriously. I don’t really care how recently Joe changed his position on Hyde, or what motivated him to see the light, the important bit is that he now supports getting rid of it.

It’s not like I dislike either candidate, but man, positions and platforms aside, that was a performatively depressing debate.

There is a supernatural protection that is activated when we apply Jesus Blood

It’s also a great time to support independent sex workers, whose livelihood is very likely to be impacted by COVID-19

I’m saying we can do this in safe, humane, and practical ways.


That was a master class in how to brown-nose Trump — it’s lucky for him the virus can’t be passed anally, because *everybody* on that stage was all up in that ...