Apocalypse Cow

Cute idea!

So here’s the thing: if she’d already told them everything she knows, and this was all a ploy on the prosecution’s part to make her pay even more for the crimes for which she’d already served ... why not just go ahead and testify? It’s not like she had anything new to provide the prosecution.

If they are smart the Biden campaign will tell these morons to fuck off

I think they meant “skeptical Bernie voters,” which is actually how I read it the first time through ...

Whelp, if nothing else those questions represent a roadmap of what Biden has to address to potentially bring Bernie supporters into his proposed coalition. If they’re smart, the Biden campaign will look at this as a gift.

And just to add, the press hasn’t exactly covered itself in glory in its coverage so far, be they Fox underplaying the severity or (for example) say, the WaPo which has had LIVE MINUTE-BY-MINUTE VIRUS UPDATES 24/7 above the fold if not the lead for months now. It’s almost like 24-hour news media aren’t the best avenue

Which is the key. Doesn’t really matter who gets in; it’s how far away from their goal they open with. This was Obama’s flaw: not only did he not negotiate from far away from his actual goal, he began with pre-conceding things he didn’t need to.

But we’re also to believe that Biden’s selling point is that he’ll compromise to get things done.

Oddly, looks like he did it the same day as your link. NYT article.

Honestly, I can’t think of anybody’s endorsement that would have much effect on my thinking. Now that Liz is out, I’m wrapping my head around Bernie’s and Joe’s platforms, and I can’t imagine an endorsement swaying me towards or against either one at this moment ...

I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was accusing you of having any particular view point.

Well, I’m just comparing what’s on his website vs. what this article says Bernie’s plans are. Since Liz is out, I don’t really have a dog in this race right now — I saw her as being in between Bernie and Joe so I’m still deciding who’s the better option (although I already voted on Super Tuesday, so I don’t get an

This plan sets Sanders up to take on Joe Biden regarding these issues

in the context of Neo-nazism against a Jewish candidate

“And here’s something that’ll take your mind off it for a while,” Clinton, 73, says of his two-year tryst with Lewinsky that began in 1995 when she was 22.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.

Isn’t that what the drive-thru abortatoriums are for?

I think it’s in reference to when a doctor illegally performs an already-illegal extremely late-term abortion and it somehow fails and the doctor already-illegally does nothing to save the child now outside of the mother’s body ...

That does seem “astronomic”