Apocalypse Cow

Pelosi was born in 1940. She’s not a Boomer.

Just looking a little closer at the screenshot up there and wondering how on earth the depth of field is supposed to be working:

Saw the trailer at the movies recently. I hope it’s well done — the CGI dog in that thing was really close to perfect, but still only close. I have a bad feeling about this that after five minutes of screen-time it might be Tarkin-level distracting ...

If you think someone who is 41 is in any way meaningfully culturally or experientially more similar to someone who is 55, than someone who is 38-39 ... you’re a nutter

If it comes down to Bloomberg, I’m going to have a very hard time voting for him and have been thinking about it quite a bit the past few days.

So, just to be clear: Another four years of Trump is preferable to Bloomberg?

I think the reality is that Clinton actually wasn’t terrible as a candidate

Clinton was way better at this than Warren.“

Okay Boomer

... about the law’s provision that bans the DMV from sharing criminal records with ICE and CBP.

Meh. When a politician makes a right decision, that should be encouraged. Even if that person isn’t the best person on the planet. A) It couldn’t hurt, and B) telling them to fuck off probably is counterproductive ...

Voters may think ...

The only real hope now is that Trump continues to commit provable acts of malfeasance, and that somehow those acts can be hung around the neck of every Senator who voted to acquit. It’s helpful that one of their rationales for acquitting was “he’s learned his lesson” [hint: he hasn’t], so when he continues with his

which climaxes in two weeks at the 92nd Annual Academy Awards

Also, 3) The jury “working closely” with the defendant to “ensure their rights are protected” ....

And right on cue, that shining example of a “moderate” Republican, Lisa Murkowski, says she won’t vote for witnesses at the trial ...

It’s perfectly possible that Bernie said that the mouth breathers of this country won’t elect a woman without him being a misogynistic.

Okay, I’ll give it whirl =D:

I held my nose and voted Hillary last time. Never again. All these blue dogs and Manchin really making a difference.

That’s a fine strategy for the primaries. I’m tending Liz right now myself.