A Pizza

I think it may depend on your like for the individual actors. I thought the Micucci one was great, if uncomfortably realistic.

That's what listening to the first ten minutes of Maron's podcast is like for me.

Exorcist 3 isn't just pretty good, it's GREAT. Aside from the terrific George C Scott, the film has one of the best scares of all time (if you've seen it, sure you know what I'm referring to). The studio meddled with the ending, but that doesn't stop the rest of it from being excellent.

Hi, I'm an comment on an Internet movie review site, not a licensed therapist. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call a friend, family member, or community mental health center near you.

I'm not going to get into my own history with mental illness or suicidal ideation. Suffice to say, I know that it's a lot more nuanced than is possible to get into on internet comments. I would never say "chin up, kiddo" to a person suffering chronic depression. What I intended to convey with my offhand remark is that

Been a long time since I read this one, but I remember Meg being a little bookish, shy, and a little petulant. Standard akward young girl. Wallis was great in Southern Wild and I can see her in this adaptation.

You eat soup, and you drink broth. Simple as that.

Some people save a piece of their wedding cake in the freezer to eat on their one-year anniversary. A friend of mine (definitely not me) ended her marriage after 10 months. That was a year ago, and she still has the slice of cake in her ice box.

This review doesn't mention how funny the film really is. It's not quite a comedy, but straddles the line between horror and domestic farce throughout. It's a very enjoyable watch; you could almost mistake it for a Kusturica film, there's shades of Black Cat, White Cat.

Mimosas are fun once or twice a year, usually New Year's day. But juice should be measured by how well it complements liquor; if you need that much sugar to mask the taste of your alcohol, you should just drink beer or wine.

It loses all benefit when you remove the vodka.

They call it Monarch because it's fit for royalty, right?

It's bobo Mary Liz Winstead! Co-starring Kevin Bacon from Hollow Man!

Rape all the kids you want, just don't be an antisemite.

"I have a family member with mental illness, and Mel Gibson strikes me as having the same thing."

That film is responsible for more scares during my childhood than anything else. I had a terrible fear of mirrors for several years because of it. Have you ever heard about the original ending? With an alien and an apparently 2001-esque sequence? No joke.

Sicario is nothing like Enemy, and you're doing yourself a disservice by not seeing it. Great, nuanced film.

This film is full of so many magical moments, to say nothing of the beauty of the youthful cast — Binoche, Levant, and Delpy all glow radiantly. A must see, in my opinion. At least one scene will stick with you forever.

I'm insanely jealous of this guy's life and kinda want to hate him, but he seems pretty humble and great. Childhood of a Leader was fairly impressive as well.

Yeah, there's a guestbook at the bottom of my Geocities page.