A Pizza

Bless you, kind soul. At last, I can exit this mortal coil in peace.

That is an interesting preference. I'll never forget seeing a Van Gogh for the first time as a teenager. Here was this painting I'd seen replicated on coffee mugs and calenders all my life and yet the combined power of those images only suggested, only evoked one possibility of the real thing. To me, a painting is not

"only Michael Mann and Tony Scott have ever made films where people looking at screens came across as interesting"

I totally fell for the flashback conceit, and loved it. It's a clever trick because it not only makes the audience feel smart for finally realizing it, but the mechanism is used to make a dramatic point — a rarity for such "twists".

Just couldn't help yourself, could you?

So Bannon is clearly part of the media/Hollywood elite, right?

Yeah, that's what I referenced in my up top comment. That's probably the only outstanding show or film in that sort of mix, although it's a fairly common setting in genre fiction.

Same reason the eagles couldn't just fly Frodo to Mordor.

Are there *any* espionage/thriller type films with supernatural elements, which don't go full bore fantasy? The closest thing I can think of is the noir-ish To Cast A Deadly Spell from 1991, a less serious gumshoe story but underrated.

Thanks for the heads up on Viva. I've been waiting for this one for a while now, as a big fan of Radley Metzger, Jean Rollin, and all that 70s Euro/art/erotica stuff.


I don't know, man; somebody has to chronicle the struggles of white men.

I've also looked at over 3,000 young women (possibly just this morning) but nobody's writing fawning reviews of my work :(((((

The idea of magic being used or controlled by the state is so interesting that I'm surprised it doesn't appear to be a stronger element of fantasy movies like this. I guess that's potentially less "fun", but just imagine the beginning of Saving Private Ryan — with wizards! This is what I liked so much about Jonathan

Having a personal top 3 HP films is like ranking the Beatles.

That depends. Tom Baker/Lalla Ward era Doctor Who? Yes.

In a way, I was relieved to hear his postmortem diagnosis. When I first heard about his suicide, I was in a Portland rehab facility that Williams had once been at (according to staff, he liked to visit detox centers he had been at before). The assumption at the time was that he had relapsed into addiction and was

I'm also recently divorced, if you find that helpful in creating generalizations.

I'm waiting for the documentary conceit to be relevant or interesting for some meta reason, and I'm getting the awful feeling that there is no "twist" to it. Like you said, this may just be the format, which would be really disappointing.

My girlfriend is Scottish, and one of my favorite things is getting her to do an American accent. It's so much worse than I'm used to in films, and consequently as hilarious as my "ello guvnah". She points her chin down and rides the "r" sounds really hard.