A Pizza

That's an unfair response — implying the only other option is something worse.

How the fuck did this 28-year old nobody director get Scott Walker for this???

Question for DC comics nerds: is Cyborg a decent character at all? Is there actual potential for an interesting story there? I want to be excited for a black hero, but I'm having trouble mustering enthusiasm for what seems like a bland character.

This wouldn't have happened without the KS. I'm fine with my money simply supporting the show in any way. MST3K has given me more joy in life than almost anything else.

"No way at all"

I'm trying to find a silver lining: he's good at referencing pop culture. That's actually pretty relevant to MST3K jokes.

"John Cusak's abs"

Great choice; Jonah is probably a lot less expensive though (possibly a consideration? idk).

It's not a matter of "letting" them do the voices — they've both said they're done, and wanted to hear new actors in the roles. Both Crow and Servo's voices changed actors during the original run, there's no reason they won't survive this time.

Heart pounding, veins clogging, Mitchell!

*movie sign

I've never been a fan, but he was (is?) the least irritating host on the Nerdist and continues to associate with lots of other people I find hilarious — so there must be something I don't get. I'll reserve judgment til I see the show, but everything is pointing towards a complete success.

When it came out nearly three decades ago, its grimdark vibe was still very novel. Cape comics hadn't been saturated with grit the way they are today. Alan Moore was a hot property then, too, and nearly everything he wrote was selling trade paperbacks. As a casual comic reader, I remember this book making a big impact

I feel like Commissioner Gordon would be just as creeped out and angry to learn that Batman fucked his daughter.

I get that the Batman cartoons are deservedly well loved, but why is DC still beholden to this style of animation in 2016? It looks cheap, dated, and kind of shitty.

You fuckers loved this when it was called Computer Chess.

That sounds like a super valuable distinction to make, and a valid counter opinion. You should work for the AV Club, maybe you could post vaguely condescending comments and feel good about yourself — wait, is that a circle jerk or just a regular jerk?

Stallone is much more talented than he's generally given credit for. People think he's a doped up musclehead, and rightly I guess, but he's a decent writer-director and a pretty shrewd businessman.

"Grandpa, what were the internet comments of the 00s like?"

Only 80s kids will get this!!!