A Pizza

People liking things is a circle jerk?

Agreed, but this is just for a magazine photo shoot, it'll look better in the film.

Yeah, actually it's better this way — there's unfilmable stuff in the books, things that only make sense in King's turgid prose, lots of digressions, etc. This also neatly sidesteps most criticism that it won't be a faithful enough adaptation.

" aligned herself with the wrong children's franchise with Twilight instead of signing up with Marvel "

It's older than The Giver (or Equilibrium, as some suggest).

Yeah, the last one. It's good in that sort of "I can watch this with my father in law and not have to talk for two hours" way. First Blood is great, of course.

John Rambo (or whatever it was called) is a pretty decent action movie, tho.

She's been pretty consistently great since the Twilight films, though.

The reason you can't have fantasy crushes on unattainable celebrities is because they're gay?


You can't really say it was "neutered" by its rating because it was always intended for a younger audience. It's not like all the good jokes and cuss words got cut out, they weren't there to begin with.

Does that dream sequence make sense yet? How many times does Bruce wake up from it now?

As opposed to all the times male reviewers here enjoyed movies with dudes in the lead? Give it a rest already.

You don't know a thing about therapy, not even anecdotally. Therapists don't prescribe medication. Therapists don't diagnose "repressed personalities". They follow standards and practices that are laid out in very clear language, for which they are licensed to do so by the state they practice in. Tony Robbins,