Sorry, as long that Skittles Pox ad is still running, Skittles is dead to me. Make another damn ad, you cheap bastards! One that doesn’t make me want to throw up every time I think of your product.
Sorry, as long that Skittles Pox ad is still running, Skittles is dead to me. Make another damn ad, you cheap bastards! One that doesn’t make me want to throw up every time I think of your product.
I have been so looking forward to this coming out and hopefully bombing and going away as soon as possible because of the absolute deluge of previews at movie theaters and promos for this sub-Hallmark Channel piece of mawkish drivel I’ve had to suffer through on YouTube for what seems like at least a whole year. I…
It would have been so great if he’d actually blocked the shot with the shoe and then gotten called for kicking the ball.
Filling enclosed in one sheet of dough = dumpling.
Luxembourg is the third richest country, per capita, in the world according to the IMF. The average person in Luxembourg has an income roughly double the income of the average American and their government is swimming in cash. While the country still has debt, they’ve been running budget surpluses since 2013.
The issue isn’t size. It’s that Luxembourg is the third richest country, per capita, in the world. The average person in Luxembourg has an income roughly double the income of the average American and their government is basically swimming in money.
Well, good luck to Baby Butt. You’re gonna need it.
GM has spent billions on stock buybacks. It’s a move that benefits major executives who get paid largely in stock and stock options, but does not benefit the company at all.
It’s almost like no one wanted a Robin Hood movie at all! Maybe studios should, you know, find out about whether there’s any actual demand before just yelling “Public domain character with name recognition!!!” and then wasting hundreds of millions of dollars. There have been hundreds if not thousands of Robin Hood…
No Christmas music until after Thanksgiving is how my family rolls.
I haven’t seen anyone talking about the ridiculous physics of the explosion. Rick is standing at the end of the bridge. The blast should have sent him backwards up the road. Instead it somehow sucked him forward into the river, without damaging him at all. And the same blast that magically propelled him about a 100…
This is a solid vehicle but their best is the Haval North American Special by Ghia. Or, as it’s more commonly known, the Haval NA Ghia.
OK, I’m assuming they have to give you a code or something to verify who you are. If you happened to live in the area and knew someone in NOLA, you could just send them that code so they can enjoy free chicken.
As a total aside, it is hard to believe that anyone would put Isiah Thomas in charge of anything after the whole CBA debacle. Not a whole lot of guys can claim to have destroyed a 50+ year old league all by themselves.
Sears always strikes me as one of those great “How did they blow it so badly?” stories. Before e-commerce took off, Sears was the closest thing to Amazon that existed. If they’d invested in technology back in the 90's they could have easily been where Amazon is today. Instead they doubled down on the brick and mortar…
I’m just sad that we no longer live in the era when the Big 10 had 12 teams and the Big 12 had 10 teams. It summarized the madness of the NCAA so perfectly.
If they really want it to last, they should drop the “S”. Because everyone knows it’s fun to stay in the U-M-C-A.
I’ve always eaten the tails. They’re wonderfully crunchy and shrimpy.
Yes, managers/coaches calling individual pitches is already becoming a thing and this would only speed it up by making it more efficient.