Photographer: OK, which model do we want for this shot?
Photographer: OK, which model do we want for this shot?
1. The ideal commuter: The Taylor Aerocar.
Yeah, PA has all sorts of interesting regional foods in, for example, Amish country or Pittsburgh but we always get swamped by Philly.
Petition for Mr T to take over the role of Cleveland.
I literally had to change the channel for a bit, it was that insufferable.
This poll brought to you by the makers of the Puma. Puma: not the worst car of the last ten years! Somehow!
I’m confused. YouTube Music is already a thing if you want to listen to music without videos or ads. Don’t need to download anything and it will play forever without having to click play for every single song, though like Pandora it will check on you every now and again to make sure you’re actually still listening. Go…
Bummer! I’ve been a MSTie since the first season on the Comedy Channel (later to become Comedy Central). The first revival season was kind of weak, but I thought the crew gelled nicely in the second season and was really looking forward to a third.
The Lordstown Endurance sounds like an excellent mystery/adventure novel.
Pheh! That’s just more for me! Every year I make sure to hit the supermarket the week after Thanksgiving so I can pick up EVEN MORE cranberry sauce dirt cheap in the inevitable post-Thanksgiving sale. Gonna be making myself some gobbler sandwiches. So good!
My girlfriend has made it abundantly clear that if I ever inform restaurant staff of her birthday, I will be murdered in my sleep at some point shortly thereafter.
You know, I’ve tried using kiosks at multiple fast food places and every time it’s ended up being significantly slower than going to the counter. Sometimes it’s because I’m fumbling my way through multiple screens of touch menus and confirmations to do the same thing that the person at the register can do with a…
It’s better than Bob Nutting, that’s for sure. But pretty much anything is better than Bob Nutting.
Way to dance around the Ben Vareen challenge.
It depends on the place. If it’s Taco Bell or Popeye’s, you better bring a good book with you if you go inside. Their priority list is drive thru -> taking a break -> moving around the food that is clearly just sitting there and could be put on your damn tray and given to you -> a swift kick in the head -> double…
The International/Ethnic sections of the two supermarkets I normally visit include English, Kosher and German foods as well as Thai, Japanese and Latin. And they’re also right next to the pasta which is the de facto Italian section.
Good thing they weren’t exploding dice.
Lllllllllllllllllets have a baby!