
Seriously. He has two divorces and a broken engagement and he’s spoken about these things before. She was asking about his experience as a divorced dad...I don’t get the big deal, unless there’s some rule that he is the only one allowed to broach the topic?

Agreed. I just hope one day they realize, yes, you did let your son die. And it is your fault.

that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.

Everytime I see a still from this movie I am blown away by how bad the makeup is. Like... it’s a bad idea to begin with, but the execution is terrible! She looks like a wax figure in a too-hot room.

I think it’s both plus a desperate desire to believe that we can’t possibly live in a world where 20 kindergarteners are murdered for no reason.

Mills was accused of approaching a sister of slain Sandy Hook Elementary School teacher Victoria Soto during a charity race in November and angrily claiming the shootings never took place.

the result of this kind of untethered manufactured outrage will be that advertisers will be hesitant to use models of color at all. why bother if someone on the internet will find something to raise hell about or interpret some aspect of your ad as ‘racist’ no matter what? you want a photo of an older child cheekily

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

Not pictured: the Gap Kids ad from just a few years ago wherein a black model was using a white model as an armrest in almost the exact same pose.

Fuck dating. Fuck dating sites. Fuck guys who just message “hey. how r u?” or “u r beautiful.” Use fucking proper grammar. Fuck guys who ghost you. Fuck everything.

Ahhhhh, congrats and good luck on the date. The scene is not so bad, you just have to go through a lot of frogs. He sounds like a catch :)

Holy lord as a 34-year-old back on the scene after a marriage I’ve seen it all. I’ve been doing it two months. Most of the guys contacting me have been hot and 21-24, but basically just offering to come over and service me sexually and that’s not my scene. I was thisclose to deleting my account and I was so over it I

I never played wedding as a kid. It was either Star Wars or vampire with my Barbies.

My first period after Nuvaring I noticed something dangling from my vag. Naturally I pulled on it. Out came what I assume was a chunk of the lining of my uterus.

I lost basically all of my blood out of my back end a couple years ago. Sat on the toilet one morning and woke up on the floor with a large knot on my forehead and a trail of blood behind me. I continued to bleed in the hospital and ended up needing a double bowel resection. I received 16 pints of blood during that

staph infection

I was once convinced I had herpes, but it turns out I just had a really bad case of jock itch on my vulva! Jock itch: not just for dudes!

I feel like I can’t compete with the writer’s story, but for me it was a period/virus combo. I had clots the size of guinea pigs dropping out of my vagina as I sat shaking on the toilet shitting my brains out while throwing up into a trashcan.

I had this discussion with friends yesterday. Before these past few years, were there ever any laws that mandated you can only use the bathroom assigned to your gender? Because myself and just about every woman I know have used a men’s restroom to avoid the huge line for the women’s.

Far more likelihood of women temporarily assuming men's gender so that they don't have to wait in ungodly long lines everywhere...