
The Bible was written by multiple people, and in the case of what evangelicals call the “Old Testament”, some of those writers were women. Of course, evangelicals like the parts written by misogynistic psychopaths like Paul.

That’s because a healthy fandom doesn’t give you any reasons to hear about it.  

There’s plenty of healthy fandom. The only difference is that you don’t hear about it because “Group of People Watch Thing - Enjoy it.” doesn’t make for nearly as interesting a headline as “Angry Fans Send Death Threats to Creator.”

I never understood hating on couples with age disparity. Obviously, the relationship has something to offer for both parties involved, and these two seem particularly happy.

Are you serious? Just fucking crazy how somebody would be bothered about a has been’s relationship when both parties are of age and have agency on the matter. And on top of insinuating that he might be a pedophile? Gross article. I am just done with this blog. 

Working as a full time non permenant (no health benefits and they can fire me for any reason) State Resource Coordinator for Oregon Department of Administrative Services, I was curiously asked to assist a few DOJ employees with hot cold complaints (that’s what the rude guys at facilities called it when they didn’t

At least it’s obvious. My colleague, who is techinically the director of our department to my associate director but I don’t report to him, just waits a few days or the next meeting and re-presents what I had said or submitted already. For three years now.

Filled a spot that was held by a man as an online organizer for a progressive PAC. Bring in 25,000 new members, press, famous people, revamped online training and vetting systems. Somehow find out (ok, I made friends with the accountant) that dude was making $65k. I was making $40k. Asked for a raise. Boss tells me,

“Taking responsibility” and resigning are two very different things. Your call for resignation is based on how YOU feel, but taking responsibility is based on the nature and severity of the act. Go use your pitchfork to go after Trump and Moore, remember the line that Sanders-Huckabee drew was that neither of those

Elijah Wood just does whatever he wants to these days and it’s just lovely.

When I let go of god, it became so much easier to conceptualize and come to terms with the problems of our world. Cancer? Bodies are glitchy and sometimes we can’t tell what causes one cell to thrive and another to go haywire. War? Humanity is inherently tribal, and that causes conflict. Best to try to understand

I have a similar reaction when people humblebrag about how they were “blessed” with whatever good fortune came their way, from the major to the trivial. So you think God reached down and “blessed” you with a great weekend or a parking space or a new job or whatever while millions of people are suffering in the world?

“God’s got this.”

They SHOULD be co-ed. It takes two people to make a baby. Why is it only the mom’s job to be in charge of baby stuff? This shit irks me.

Baby showers are the worst, and the pressure to come up with a costume would only make them worse. That sort of thing is fine if you have the time and money to spend on it, but I don’t like having to put things like that together. The only thing that makes baby showers tolerable is if they are coed. Yeah, I said it.

Y’all are inspiring me. I have had my eye on one that looks like a romper and I was worried it was too granny

I live in Western Australia, the state that boasts the second-highest rate of skin cancer in the world (only beaten by Queensland; yay us!). I have blue-white skin and have burned through clothing. I have just had my first melanoma removed and I say...fuck anyone who tries to pressure you into exposing yourself to

Can we also add that the best thing to wear to the beach is whatever the hell you bloody feel like? I cannot believe the amount of shitty comments I get from women (usually not my friends but friends or family of my friends who are tagging along) because I chose to wear a one piece or a tankini to the beach. I don’t

Oh I seldom go out mid day and when I do I look like some parasol wielding Victorian lady... lol.. I have a sensory problem that’s heightened by sunlight/glare... husband and I call the sun “the Death Star” in those days it’s just beyond killer-bright... and yeah much higher uv than in the states, I grew up in the USA

and many of us consider the prospect of auto-repelling the men who hold such opinions to be a feature rather than a bug...