
Ah. A seizure alert dog has been specially trained to monitor the brainwaves and physical condition of someone who suffers from seizures. they grasp the person’s hand gently in their mouths, or nuzzle their hand, or whatever the pre-arranged signal is, and this alerts the person to sit down, then lie down on the

One of the gals I follow on instagram finally got the confidence to bring her service dog into Target, she was nervous about it for this very same reason. Of course, some lady walked up to them and pulled on the dog’s tail, then had the nerve to say “see! your dog is distracted! real service dogs don’t get distracted!”

She may not have grand meal seizures very often, in which case getting a service dog would be difficult. Mine were mostly petit mal and not hugely disruptive, but then every once in a while...yikes. I have an aunt who was seizure free for 20 years and then suddenly had a big seizure in a parking lot.

It seems like the young mother in the video could use a seizure alert dog. I hope she can get one without too long a wait.

I don’t understand why misses and plus sizes are in different departments. Why can’t they be in one place or at least the same floor?

Seems like an unnecessarily hostile reaction. What basis do you have for assuming her adopted children would be cared for any less by their mother if she were recovering from a major medical procedure or if she gave birth to a biological child?

But how is that different from when parents with biological children adopt? Are only childless couples allowed to adopt?

I’m sorry you’re a judgy asshole who shits on women’s choices.

That was unnecessary and kind of mean.

HEY NOW. Don’t be taking the good name of curry in vain.

That is way more eloquent that I could possibly be. My only reaction was FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK YOOUUUUUUUUUUU!

They tried to cure meningitis with a shitty curry?

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.

To me, a couple challenges and helps each other to be the best individuals and pair they can be.

I think it’s even more important to have separate interests when you have kids, for the benefit of both parents and offspring. The first few years with young kids are write-offs for sure, but once they get more independent it’s important for parents to start going out with their own friends, pursuing things apart from

Unless you have a pressing need to, I would definitely wait at least a few years before having kids after you get married. I think it’s really important to develop your relationship and have time to do selfish things before you put that much responsibility and stress on your relationship.

Thats how we are too! We decided life is too short to “force” the other to do stuff they don’t enjoy. We have plenty of shit we enjoy doing with each other together, our interests align in probably 80% of our activities... but why must we do EVERYTHING together. Your husband didn’t go with you to craft fair? *gasp*

Do those people think that once a woman turns 30, she immediately dissolves into the crypt keeper? Why is 29 the age that the pearl-clutchers deem the beginning of spinsterhood? Like, that’s when a lot of people are finishing up graduate school, finally settling into their careers, or realizing that the economy sucks

I never thought I’d get married because a.) a lot of the married people around me - who seemed perfectly happy - had marriages I wasn’t interested in and b.) each time I imagined being married to anyone I was seriously dating I’d basically have a full-blown panic attack.