I find her genuinely disgusting and repulsive but I support your contrarianism.
I find her genuinely disgusting and repulsive but I support your contrarianism.
Heck, don't even care if they were broke young adults. They don't owe their former cast mates anything. I can't even imagine having to deal with Evangelical Barbie on a regular basis.
Agreed. I was going to give this a chance, thought it might be cheesy fun. Seeing this turns me off. Olsen’s spent their childhood’s doing corny straight to video movies. Now they are grown billionaires who would rather not. Had Candice refused to do it because of motherhood and Jesus, there would be Fox news outrage…
A cameo wouldn’t hurt their poor, privileged asses.
Right how much do we think Bob Saget and Candace Cameron actually hate each other?
They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!
Holy shit, $1500. That’s nothing. Absolutely nothing. If I only had $1500 in student loan debt right now, I’d be dancing naked in the street.
You are speaking straight to my soul. This is exactly how I was brought up and I know exactly what you mean. I always wondered about the people that didn’t even kiss until their wedding day — do they just have sex right away on the first night? Usually people take years to lead up from kissing to sex, and they’re…
Best sex positive education: be raised in a farm.
“Dad, so how are babies made?” “Don’t you see a dog mounting a bitch, or a rooster mounting a hen? Same thing for people.”
Luckily, I soon realized that all of that was bullshit, but a lot of it had sunken in in ways I’m only starting to untangle.
We all know that conservative christians aren’t the best at science. Or logic. But they are GREAT at fear tactics.
Church youth group taught us all that! And then we all licked icing off a cupcake to demonstrate that if we let someone else have a taste first, you’d only have a soggy, icingless cupcake to offer your husband on your wedding night.
That’s what I learned in my middle school youth group at church. I’m so glad that Elizabeth Smart has spoken out against teachings like that, because it’s so important that we stop teaching religious girls that their value is solely wrapped up in their purity.
I hope so too. Years of “sex only feels good when it’s between a husband and a wife” and “your vagina molds to the first penis inside it so don’t ruin it for your husband by sleeping with someone else first” was not a healthy introduction to it.
I was told that “it isn’t what it’s cracked up to be”.
I did not have “the talk”, not once. The sexual education I had went like this:
“I like to be modest and I like to keep my dignity. I like to know the purpose of my life. I like to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid harmful things.”
If a real zebra ever escapes these guys are fucked. Zebras are the jerks of the equine world and can be vicious.
Rose had plotted a complex insurance scheme that had no room for Jack in it.