
The top makes her look like an evil candy Dalek.

My ex was conservative. It’s not exactly why we split (he was feminist), but it’s awfully hard to be with a climate change-denier.

I would expect that part of the reason for this is because the parties have moved farther away from each other in terms of ideology. If I had a daughter and she married a staunch Republican, who identified as Republican in this current political climate, I’d have questions. Do your expectations line up as far as

“Your parents hated other people more than they loved you. Now go play!” So fucked up.

Good! I hope they’re successful. Since the child will probably find out eventually, I imagine it will be less traumatic for her to be living with people who knew her parents as something other than monsters when she does.

I agree - this post is way over the top. Barring some dysfunctional family backstory, the adult child owes the parents polite behavior (returning calls, being nice) just as much as the parents owe the adult child polite behavior. Unless the adult child wants to break away from her parents entirely - including

I don’t know the situation but I think you are reading a lot into this. It sounds like a frustrated mom dealing with a major transition period in the relationship. The rest is just projection. Eta: and to add, young people also have to learn to have a relationship as an adult with their parents. It’s usually a mutual

Those didn’t happen. Stop pretending that they did.

I dunno if badass ladies in general or just Carrie Fischer do it for you, but Gwendoline Christie’s chromed out, 6’3+ badass stormtrooper general Captain Phasma is another entire reason.

I went to Comic-Con, and waited in line to take a picture with her, and she had this pup with her then too! She was just so kind and sweet, she held my hand! and when she thought the photo didn’t turn out well, she asked the picture people to take a second one, and she was right, the first photo I had my eyes closed.

I would see this movie if even just for her.

Um, have you seen Rookie mag? Yes, sure, as a 12 to 16 year old she was really in to ridiculous outfits. But now she’s moving more and more in to feminism and serious writing. So good of her. If there's a bunch of fame-obsessed copycats and stage moms, they'd be doing that shit regardless of Tavi Gevinson.


Seriously, skipping the diaper stage and the terrible twos? Yes please!

I also appreciate her adopting a child from within the US. Of course, adopting a child from anywhere is a wonderful act of love, but I feel like with the rich and famous it often comes off as a “look at my foreign exotic designer baby” kind of thing. There are way too many foster children getting bounced around the

Because they want them in the cute baby stage. Also, possibility of attachment disorders. Attachment disorder cases are so sad.

I live in Toledo. I see it all the time. White people open carry at fucking grocery stores and people don’t bat an eye.

Open carry state. Just sayin

This is heartbreaking. And how awful for the family that everyone can watch a video of their child murdered (if it was against their wishes for it to be released).

their viewers complain if they repeat outfits too frequently.

I wish I had this much spare brainmatter time to waste. Do these people not have jobs or pets or friends? Get a fucking cactus or something, you losers.