
Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s

Can we please not make “comparing things that are not blackface to blackface” a thing? I generally support the sentiment of this boycott but that’s just offensive. Don’t try to prop up your own arguments by using shock tactics, it’s like the people that compare everything to hitler. It’s lazy(like the writing in this

That was the whole schtick with my adoptive parents. Two barren people find each other and want to feel good about themselves...adopt three kids from Eastern Europe in the 80s where you got cheap white babies from, paid cash ( literally, and a story for another day ) and then expect is to kowtow and beg for

“You rarely hear stories about dads treating their sons like crap”

“I don’t know what you would have done if we hadn’t adopted you- you wouldn’t make a very good prostitute”. (Adopted as a child from a communist country. It was a true statment, but vulgar coming from a parent. Emancipated shortly there after).

Exactly. At 3 months I was dying to get back into the workforce. All the questions of “how did you leave your baby??!?!!?!” only served to make me feel like there was something wrong with me for not wanting to be attached to my baby 24/7.

Not to mention that it suggests that parents who choose to go back to work at or even before 3 months (even when more leave is available) are deliberately playing Russian Roulette with their kid’s life.

This is tragic of course but I really hate the whole “You’re leaving your baby with STRANGERS!!!” Um... no my husband and I actually visited the daycare, met the caregivers and did our research on whether or not the facility was licensed/the policies they follow. My daughter is now 2. She loves her caregivers. They

Not a couple of years, last year. And no one had a problem with it. The amount of hate Jenner and the magazine have received (especially when Jenner is on of dozens of women of the year) is fucking ridiculous.

If this guy thinks it’s such an insult for his wife to share this kind of award with a transgender person, I wonder why he didn’t return the award when they gave it to Laverne Cox a couple of years ago...

I think most people eventually learn that their parents, particularly their mothers, are not the most objective source for such information. My mother thinks I’m so beautiful that she’s convinced I could have modeled (I’m 5’3”) or been a movie star. “You look like Natalie Portman, but prettier!” (Ed. note: No I

I’m generally a worrier, but one of my worst hangups is knowing that sometimes, life is all about chance. The control freak in me can’t stand that.

As someone who tends to fall a lot. I believe this is real. It’s a thing, Mark. Ok? It’s a thing.

I have no problem with people who say “Merry Christmas.” But if you get annoyed with my cheerful reply of “happy holidays!” - then we have an issue.

I don’t say “God Bless You” when someone sneezes either; will I be forced to say this now?

Right? Also, JFK is an INTERNATIONAL airport. There were absolutely, without a doubt, people who spoke Italian inside one (or all) of the terminals who could have helped him. Fuck you, JFK security.

The moral of the story is, don’t run.

Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.