Apex Assassin

Steroids. The answer is steroids.

I’m afraid we will have to old guy fight. I agree 100% with everything you say about all those movies except Space Camp. I was 11 when it came out. I read everything I could find on the space program when I was a kid (look at my little circular avatar for goodness sake) and I knew that everything in that movie was

This movie does not hold up at all. I took my family to Huntsville to visit Space Camp and the Rocket Center last summer and when we got home I was on my nostalgia high so I made them watch Space Camp (the entire thing was on YouTube or Vimeo or something). It's terrible. The cast is weird (Tate Donovan as the

“Because, as Septon Meribold said, the Hound is dead.”

This is brutal dude. I’m all for having your own thoughts and reactions, but why not stop after the first paragraph where you link to your own comment on your own kinja page? Or, as has been suggested, take it to the o-deck? When your original comment is longer, and less in-depth than the article you are commenting

AGREED. I always feel like that’s basically disrespectful to Rob, to in his own post be like “Yeah, your recap was fine, but here’s MY super lengthy recap!”

You are a fucking psycho.

It would probably go a long way in these Cosplay posts to actually note who these people are trying to portray. I’d think it’d be pretty impossible for everyone to know every character from everything out there.

Is it that surprising, though? I’m a gamer through and through, but I’ve never played the Final Fantasy series. Not all gamers have.

I hadn’t really paid much attention to this, but I can see the casting (there’s even a vague Curry-ness lurking in the header image) and I’m interested in how they are splitting the tale. It sort of feels like a good idea, which is why I harbor a fear of impending studio interference with that. Don’t wound me,

I am.

Pretty stupid to even consider the Mustang in the same league as the GT-R Nismo or GT3. It’s like putting a downs syndrome kid in a class full of straight A honor roll students. You’re just setting him up for failure.

This isn't cross-posted. I am a Jalopnik writer. And this is about addresses which matter when driving in Japan. As I do.

She did! When Meera called her, Summer looked back and waited til Meera and Hodor got Bran away, then charged the Whites.

As a non-book reader I was hiping she’d stab him right then and there just like Roose got stabbed. Of course that would just piss off the lord of the Vale and possibly set a new army after her, but I was still yelling at the TV for her to do it.

My brain has broken. Goodbye brain.

I think it really comes down to two options: 1) Did you invite them? If so compensate them somehow. 2) Did they ask to come? Don’t need to compensate them.

I would hear them from artists and exhibitors selling comics in a lot of the more popular SoCal cons. Wondercon, comic con, etc.

I’m 34, and just now considering my first cosplay. If you’re old, I’m ancient.

That said, yeah, it shouldn’t be a problem for upper-tier cosplayers to be hired on for cons—and if they are, they should be treated with the appropriate amount of respect generally accorded to a person being paid to appear at a gathering.
