Apex Assassin

you are as stupid as cool breeze, you deserve each other, please move to canadia and start your own The Walking Dumb gushing fan site.

except only true fools will be returning to watch s7

again, bullshit. i have my hearing tested annually as part of my employers mandatory program, I’m 40, and for 20+ i fire weapons regularly both indoors and out. race cars and concerts will do more damage - unless the weapon is fired repeatedly in enclosed spaces, which as aside from a very few scenes hasn’t happened.

it’s bullshit, especially outdoors.

Guns aren’t that loud, stop being a pansy and promoting nonsense.

Which makes sense, since they actually NEED them. I heard they’ll only travel in the left lane, 20 mph slower than the rest of the traffic, with their left blinker on.

aside from the 3 series being launched today?

1. Flatman vs Stupidman is the worst comics based movie in the entire world. You can’t even argue it.

2. Hollywood hasn’t gotten Batman right since Batman Returns. Fact.

3. The market is completely oversaturated for super-hero movie to the point of puking.

4. Jon Snow is dead.

Hollywood has no idea how oversaturated this market is. Even I’m sick of XMen movies and Morph was my dad.

The 500 Abarth.

For people who wanted a GTI but wanted to pay, get less, go slower, handle worse, and replace everything more frequently than the VW’s coil packs, AND have worse injuries after a collison. IF they survive.

Damn I love natural selection. With any luck this will be two for the price of one!

It happened to me in OK with PA plates because their k9 signaled [false] positive for drugs. long story short, 4 hours in the median in that lovely hell called the OK midsummer, my entire interior and all my gear (was camping cross country) in a Subaru wagon was scattered all over leaving me to toss everything into


Good for you! So glad you survived and have a great tale to tell!

Ariel looks fat. She should sue for defamation of character.

disposable cars with massive amounts of lead, lithium, copper, and plastics are still greener than 70s muscle car. oh wait, no they aren’t.

Still gas and diesel would be useless.

While there would still be a nearly infinite supply of guns and ammo.

Impressive! But mildly sad that the JB Weld wasn’t used on the Jeep.

Looking forward to more!

Sweet! I’ve been checking to see your update and was hoping the lack-of meant you were too busy wrenching.

I’ll be disappointed if you don’t pull an all-nighter, drive much longer and further with no sleep and have a surprising-but-not-a-problem-thanks-to-adrenaline-and-excitement and also for something completely

Be sure to post in 10 years when something breaks on it. Seriously. That’s the $85k, There’s nothing to add, nothing to fix.

and dogeared copies of Good Housekeeping...

As a womynyst femynazi I think this game should be mandatorily available in all public schools and tax exempt churches and cults. Because FUCK YEAH!