Apex Assassin

If it was yellow and damaged and going to be painted anyway and I wanted to sell it to a sucker. Or if suddenly every other color that isn’t yellow is suddenly vanished from the planet. Then I might indulge in Rosso Corsa. Honestly I might even rock primer before painting it that.

I do however admit to splooshing for

Nice to see B.C.O. is back up to it’s usual level of excellence!

I’m presuming Ford/Mazda owns this site at this point.

Always seemed like a pain in the ass... turns out it’s saved me countless potential horror stories.

Not anymore. Sometime in the past 20 years it was changed to both parties, with IDs, must be present. Though there are still some local, good ol’ notaries that still do it for locals with just one party present.

Get raped in a car ripped from the world of Mad Max!


and this is how the immigrants are crossing the borders!

his girl got fake tits but no ass. no wonder he be angry.

But you are the proof of 911 dislikers being dbags.

generalize much?

because it’s an amazing car, full of luxury, and technology, and speed, and equipment, and engineering.

I’d ride it back to the dealer and buy a real bike instead.

(and stay the fuck out of the left lane if you aren’t passing someone!)

Why buy a $80k rattletrap when they can’t even make the base model work?

Not one pair worth having. #5 was close, but alas, all homeowners and weekend warriors need a pickup.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!

Great movie... probably the last Bond movie I truly enjoyed! I also think it often gets overlooked or lost in the shuffle which is a real shame!

same thing happens for autos. breaks my heart every time.

Maybe that works for North Korea nut not here, thanks for your daft opinion.