a pet at my side god in the sky

“People have always loved to go after Michael. He was an easy target because he was unique.”

Shelter Cat Update!

We gotta get the imposter jerk off instagram! The true master baits the false jogger. And we haven’t reached dick run climax yet!

Job update: I did not get the job. *sad trombone*

“How come they never protest black on black violence???”

That guy was definitely hoping one of the kids would take a swing at him so he could pull a Zimmerman. Instigate a fight with a black teenager then murder them. “Hey, all I did was approach him threateningly with a brandished firearm yelling racial epithets. He then threw a punch at me forcing me to shoot him several

This is such bullshit. The girls in Kid Electron’s school use their JoJo bows as a means of exclusion. You don’t have a JoJo bow? You can’t sit with us. You have a JoJo bow? Well, it came from Target and not from Claire’s, so you can’t sit with us. Oh, you have a Claire’s JoJo bow? Well, it’s the wrong shade of clown

“But really what it is, is if you’re wearing a JoJo bow, you’re a Siwanator, and if you’re a Siwanator, you’re someone who’s strong, confident, powerful; you believe in yourself; you love everyone; you support everyone. So say you’re at school, and you don’t have anyone to sit with at lunch, you see there’s a kid

What are the odds that she’s the only rape victim at that facility?

I’m glad he resigned, but is there another, more appropriate image to use? Like one that doesn’t say “possible assault”?

This story makes me want to puke and never interact with men ever again. :/

Calm the fuck down, January; we still have a whole year of horror to endure.

Whatever would these people do if they ever had a real problem?

I have a friend who is incarcerated. Their meals are almost nothing but processed carbs, with a little cheap meat thrown in. He was arrested about five weeks after bariatric surgery, so the diet is extra-hard on him. I think he was supposed to be eating a lot of protein afterward.

And they washed the meal down with the finest prison water, a vintage Yellow with just a dash of artisan rust to bring the whole ensemble together.

I’m not sure that should be your first question.

How is it possible that nobody in a medical facility noticed that a patient in their care was pregnant?

and that I probably shouldn’t turn up before work

Oh damn is this going to turn into a “babies in restaurants” comment war? *readies popcorn*

Right? And sorry, but who wants to look at - much less follow - a feed of someone’s infant next to random food? Boring AF.

This commenter literally doesn’t know what the word literally means . . . or shit, but for at least one of these words the commenter is confused as to the meaning.