a pet at my side god in the sky

New York thing? Maybe they can’t imagine that anyone would want to live in near-perpetual sunshine and warm weather hard by the Pacific Ocean? 

I wonder if that commentor from the original story who had the incredibly shitty take about Davidson using mental illness to manipulate Ariana Grande will show up.

I didn’t realize your comment was confined only to Gabrielle Union and she’s so rich she could afford surrogacy. But to be clear you only meant Gabrielle Union in particular should adopt and weren’t talking about any other women struggling in a similar position?

You can... how much do you think adoption costs?

She also apparently had assholes commenting on her photos (Not sure Twitter or Insta) of herself and baby Kaavia doing kangaroo/skin to skin care, that she was “trying to pretend she birthed the baby”.

I should host the Oscars.

If the host doesn’t end up being Gritty, I will be fucking pissed.

There’s a lot to unpack here. I’m trans and I’ve spent my career thus far in customer-facing IT. I’ve long accepted that I will have both co-workers and customers who hate me. I guess that’s life where I can expect to always get the short stick.

1. That’s not how “tolerance” works, you idiot.

They’re nipples that gift females as presents during the holidays.

I’m sorry, but i have a hard time following your reasoning. How do his preferences in jewellery mean that he wants you to be a “blank canvas” and why is it un-feminist to have different taste than you? You must realize that those necklaces are not everyone’s cup of tea, that’s not a personal attack on you and your

Now playing

I was driving home last night and heard “Nothing Breaks Like A Heart” and could have sworn it was that LP chick so imagine my surprise seeing this article and learning that it’s actually Miley Cyrus featured on a Mark Ronson track. I can’t tell if this makes me like it less or more.

As a feminist, I know I’m forbidden to comment on another woman’s appearance, but Tif is extremely unfortunate looking.

I’m sure they’re feeling just fine. They’re rich, if anything happens to them, it won’t be much. To add to my cynicism, at the pace this investigation is going there’ll be charges brought once Trump’s out of office anyway. I'd love to see them all publicly humiliated and reduced to nothing, but the longer this all


You just stop it, mister.

They’re not real Nazis, the armband is a slightly different shade of red and they’re using trucks instead of cattle cars!”

For many, many white people you simply cannot be racist unless you’re wearing a KKK hood and burning a cross on the front lawn of black church. And even then there are some “very fine” people on both sides!

Maybe someday his wife will give birth to a sentient ear, so Adam will be able to empathize with all of us who have to hear his shitty music. 

Like, hell, we can actually do this!