a pet at my side god in the sky

The kid’s face bruised that poor officer’s knuckles. The cop will need 4 weeks of paid leave to recover followed by 6 weeks of light duty.

“resisting an officer”

I already know this is going to end badly for the teen because the police are already making excuses. Not to mention my child’s elementary school has a tougher bullying policy than this police department does. You don’t strike back even though they hit you first. (And screw this looking for footage stuff. They are in

Is it me or does she get a disproportionate amount of vitriol for what sounds like middle of the road top 40 music? The genre itself isn’t really for me, but as near as I can tell all of her work that’s gotten radio play merits the sort of ‘meh’ reaction described above. Is there something else about her specifically

Be Best be stupid. Be Best be making grammatical mistakes. Be Best could have been “Be Your Best” pretty easily, but Be Dumb is what the Trump Administration Be About.

And what do they want fitbit to use? A drop of blood seems appropriate to indicate menstrual flow. Is the problem that it is pink and not red? I mean, menstrual blood isn’t even always red anyway...sometimes it can be pinkish. Sometimes it can be almost brown. Do we really need to get that into the weeds here?

...This is a really odd thing to be angry about.

meh no thanks fitbit. i’ll keep using my “P Tracker Lite” app. It’s got cute little flowers, and an easy to read calendar. it’s also got a huge-ass button saying “period just started!” that anyone can read over my shoulder when I’m waiting for my train. lolz joke’s on all you men afraid of periods tho.

So this is a satirical response poking fun of how people always find something to be mad about? Right?

I mark my calendar with a red or pink drop for my period.

Never mind that not all period-havers are women and not all women have periods—but I guess we’re supposed to be grateful to have periods acknowledged at all.

The tone of this is weirdly hostile.

Is it possible everyone did the same thing I just did, and read it as “Fyre Festival”? Because my first thought was “they’re trying AGAIN?”

Star for capturing my confusion so eloquently

I’m confused — did you bang him on a park bench, or refuse to touch him at his grandfather’s funeral?

Just coming here to mention how I’m very much over this mud-colored matte lipstick trend. I know her sister Kylie basically started this whole movement, but it just does NOT look good on Khloe. I think my coloring is not too far off from her and I’m done struggling to find the perfect matte lipstick. Gimme all the

This whole ‘kids are funny when they’re crass’ thing was better when it was called South Park like 20 years ago.

This whole thing is ridiculous and I am apparently too old to understand it so instead I’m going to redirect:

This article was a rollercoaster. Well done. I went from laughing along with what I believed to be some kind of satirical joke to the somber realization of how awful the situation is. There is pretty much no way this ends well. Whether its today, tomorrow or twenty years from now, shes fighting against the odds.


Lil Tay has been carrying the same stack of cash around for weeks now, it must be filthy with her making it rain and then having to pick it up and put it in a stack again.