
I herd that!

Finally, the hard hitting journalism that I can relate to!

Seeing those kids take the girl's side at the end...if only these things turned out that way in real life.

Finally. Thank you for thinking of the victim(s), Kira.

No Son,

ummmm, no

I think you need to go see an ophthalmologist. The only way the Edge and the Evoque are similar is that they are both compact SUVs and have 4 wheels.

It's not the first time it's been in North America:

There is good news for Land Rover here. There is finally a competing Automotive group in their marketshare that will likely have a worst reliability rating than they do.

What are you taking about? It looks just like an Accord coupe....

Corvair was rear engined.

Oh god, that interioir!

See, even a glacier can melt. No wait, bad analogy.

This should be cut and dried for anyone out there: The GOP is very serious about it's "religious" convictions. Unless it gets in the way of power or money. Then they'll do a 180 on whatever asinine thing they pretended was just SO fucking important to their "strongly held, dyed-in-the-wool Christian ideals", right?

Who would have thought we'd get to a point where Republicans were ok with same sex marriage but still suppressing women's reproductive choices?

Now we know why TG never let him talked...

Abort tons?

The Haul