
Except that, for some unknown reason (to me), the USA has allowed Universities to oversee the punitive/legal process of sexual assaults/rapes that have occurred on their own campus/to their students. And as a result, the University is personally responsible for how they handle such cases.

Moccia, a former hockey player, claims she was kicked off the team after reporting that a male hockey player had raped her.

"UConn will admit no wrongdoing and the plaintiffs will agree to shut up."

Has a dick pic ever worked for anyone ever? "You have deplorable table manners, your stance on same sex marriage is alarming, and your relationship with your mother has a distinct Psycho vibe. However, your penis is pleasingly shaped and the crown has a certain joie de vivre. How soon can we marry?"

You should have gone to the bathroom and said "I'll send you something too", then sent him a picture of a bigger dick.

She obviously was looking to file this lawsuit when she applied for the job. This is someone (more likely an organization funding her) looking for a lawsuit to push their agenda.

I do not have a good feeling about this one.

Dunno Tyler, according to the USAF handbook this looks awfully similar to a weather balloon.

That's a way cooler accessory than HondaVac.

The Honda City Turbo II. IT CAME WITH A SCOOTER IN THE TRUNK. I'd kill for one of these.

I may not ride bikes, but I appreciate them. And I've always been a fan of the Honda CBX, their first six-cylinder motorcycle. It was one of the first superbikes. Look at all those cylinders!

Not necessarily. A lot of married couples don't have sex as frequently as the husband would like. Sometimes work/kids/house/life get in the way.

Although someone did point out that (according to the reddit thread) they're only 26, so you may be on to something.

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

But you can say that you can't say that you've ever been a fan.


Is it just me, or is Weird Al the thing that is making this week almost somewhat bearable?

I feel sick. Just, that's all I have. Every life lost is sad, but how doubly tragic that so many of these people had so much yet to contribute to saving so many, many others.

Remember, if they don't find you handsome, they'll at least find you handy.

That's actually the seller, this truck is freaking HUGE!