
oh wait you said WORST not WURST

You think your Miata is cute? The Suzuki Cappuccino would like to have a word with you. It may have only had a 63 hp three cylinder, but it only weighs 1,500 lbs, and it's rear wheel drive. If anyone knows how to import one to the US, please let me know.

Oh, goodie, another dude trying to justify his desire to fuck kids.

If someone were to ask you why should bestiality or child molestation remain illegal, are you going to argue that it will lead to gay marriage or are you going to argue against those things based on their own definitions and what they entail?

Neilson says "pedophilia and incest have become acceptable".

The Directionater? I think so.

... Maybe.

I really liked how Steve Douchey tries to bate the gruff looking dude by saying "OR TRANSGENDERED" only for the guy to just kinda say "Oh yeah" while Douchey waited for him to go on some transphobic rant which never materialized only for Douchey to keep saying it in hopes that someone would say something transphobic.

Do Teslas still have that roundy , turny thing in front of the driver , too ?

well what's to stop two people of the same sex, or a single person of any sex, from doing that in a regular bathroom? Nothing, that's what. I've seen some nasty/illegal shit go down in bathrooms, every retail worker has, it's the downside of having public restrooms. This is going to change nothing.

The fact that several people identified the sign as indicating a "family bathroom" makes an important point - all gender bathrooms are not only important for some trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming folks, they are also useful any time you have a two people that need to enter the bathroom together who are not

cean tides, lady parts, baby making, rape rape, BENGHAZI!!!!, HPV vaccinations, gay stuff, and brown people.

Sadly, I feel as though a lot of things may confound these folks. For example: ocean tides, lady parts, baby making, rape rape, BENGHAZI!!!!, HPV vaccinations, gay stuff, and brown people.

Or this?

I actually find this to be an entirely confusing sign, because it relies on you knowing that males have square torsos and females have octagonal torsos; the less observant of us might just see the skirt and assume it means female. It makes me wonder if the artist was really high when they designed it. Why wouldn't

When Kelly & Michael viewers are too smart for your content, its probably time to reevaluate.

So - it's not like they are taking any bathrooms out of circulation, right? It's just this one is gonna be labeled all genders.

"They're better people than us," says Brian Kilmeade. So are things growing on the underside of bridges.