
The US's pervasive anti union culture is bizarre to me. Where do ou think the "weekend" came from? The 8 hour workday? While I'm a white collar salary man now, in my time as a union laborer I saw nothing but good. The union won us fair pay, benefits, vacation time. Our dues were like $20 a month, not really a bank

The whole point of going to TN was that TN provided VW with massive bribes. I mean subsidies. I mean incentives.

There many ways unions help management. Unions provide management with a clear representative for resolving conflicts among employees, communication of goals, and in the best situations provide a highly trained and skilled workforce for the company (think like the old craft guilds). The cost of labor increases, but

This is the UAW/VW calling the State of Tennessee's bluff. This will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Germany has a history of strong unions, and executives like having an organized body that represents workers.

Is this a serious comment, that unions can only hurt a company?

Is that a union built Mercedes Benz in your avatar?

Their employees voted it down after continued [bullshit] threats from the TN state government.

Because it's how they function at their factories in Europe and I think they have a great deal of unease about the disparity in employment relations between their different locations, regardless of their beliefs about unionism.

Come to New Zealand. NO SNAKES! :) We do HAVE Wetas though...

In the case of using a mongoose to wipe, you definitely want to go from front to back.

People laughed at me when I stocked my bathroom with mongooses instead of toilet paper.

Now who's laughing?!

Nope. Nope. Nope. I don't care if it was venomous or not. There would be a Phyllis shaped hole in the wall and I'd be gone, never to return.

Why would he of got a $2000 fine? I thought Uber was legit and makes sure all their drivers have appropriate insurance, licenses, etc..

I know who one of the passengers was.

Good to see he's still in action.

Well, you know. Bengunzi.

This is why you just use Dr. Bronner's for EVERYTHING and tell Procter & Gamble to go fuck themselves.

Ask her which of these Biblical marriages she does approve of:

Not how J-Law touching Emma Watson usually looks in my dreams, but I'll take it.