He was especially a dick to rich people, and called them out on their bullshit all the time. I love how so many of his parables involve trolling rich people.
Drinking somehow turn someone into a racist?
The Queen's people are love their train rants. This one fromOl Blighty.
That is not why people hate Iggy Azalea.
I'm guessing this is one of those "I'm sorry I got caught" appologies rather than an "I'm sorry I'm a racist scumbag" appology.
I love my family a lot but if my mom or dad acted that way I'd probably disown them.
You know what, thank god for camera phones. The person who invented them needs to win some sort of social justice or peace prize for real.
Australians racist on the train, British women sucking 24 dicks for a drink. The Anglosphere really isn't reacting well to their World Cup performances.
Good thing there was that sweet jam during the credits.
This really made me laugh!
So the real way to win Ben Stein's money is to be a hot woman with a sob story. Got it.
"I want to stay at the Beverly Wilshire,"
I can't tell if this is Stein satirizing himself or actually a collection of real things that happened. Poe's Law all up in this motherfucker.
I hope they don't have kids. Babies are shit bombs.
If you can't handle farts, dogs are not for you.
I saw a screenshot somewhere of some hysterical pundit or other claiming that corporations shouldn't be responsible for providing "consequence free sex" in the form of BC. That leads me to understand that supporters of the Supreme Court's decision have a really sad relationship with sex. Explains a lot.