
Real ladies don't work out. Because real ladies don't eat, either.

When I want to be sure people know I am a lady, I ride with no pants on.

The heart wants what it wants, Hera knows that better than anyone.

God wouldn't marry Zeus, unless he wants to suffer the wraths of Hera (whose dominion is also marriage).

I love the nudity in the show because it's across the map! Sexual nudity, just changing your clothes nudity, taking a shower nudity...And like you said, all kinds of bodies and ages! It reminds me that it's really not a big deal. We all have bodies, big whoop!

Many points for your user name!

This was a great article but all I really took from it is...I really hope Vee is dead.

My sister's 7th grade teacher tried to tell the kids that Stone Henge was in Ohio. My sister raised her hand to say "No, Stone Henge is in England," and her teacher yelled at her.

In my senior year of high school, there was a girl who didn't know how to tell time on an analog clock.

I've been to Luxembourg and still couldn't find it on a map!

I am definitely with you. But full disclosure: I have walked right into a men's restroom before without even realizing. Let me tell you, shit happens.

If you don't read the name of an author when you buy a book, you deserve to lose the money. Amazon emails you when you make a purchase and you can SEE the cover and name... it should be idiot proof. Good for her for enjoying it!

The couple that told me Thailand and China were the same country.

What about tributes to aircraft? I spent way to much time on this project once.

Why is there pin-up girl porn at the urinal? Shouldn't you be getting turned on by all the cars instead?

Hipster Optimus Prime

He lost his wallet though, it looks like this:

I think you misspelled "crazy."

That "little dipshit" is also the chef....nice try.

It seems that this is one of those rare special businesses that still haven't quite come to grips with the idea of "the internet is actual real people". A bad Yelp review + media attention can destroy a restaurant.