Oh I almost forgot:
Oh I almost forgot:
I picked up Sea of Thieves and have been having a blast with it, what little time I’ve had anyway! I got convinced into getting it by a friend looking for crew and we spent Wednesday night doing some initial quests. By that I mean, getting distracted whilst looking for chickens. We bravely took down another vessel,…
While I haven’t been playing as much as I’d like, I’ve still been doing a variety of things. There’s the usual Fire Emblem Heroes, where today I learned about conferring elemental blessings. The thing I played most extensively since last week has been Golf Story, which has been evolving in really fun ways (outside of…
Last week I left a short comment disparaging Rime as kinda meh but I would like to retract that comment as Rime won me over wholly by the end and joined the rare club of games (joining red dead redemption and gone home) that made me cry.
Truer words have never been spoken, and I think this is one thing that kept me from finishing the Oracle games as well. I preferred Minish Cap immensely.
Given the early design of bringing back the Minish in Breath of the Wild, I’m hoping we get a more formal return to that world sometime in the next few years. Large/small makes for such a cool dual-world mechanic.
I’m all about Minish Cap. It’s certainly the best portable Zelda game before Link Between Worlds, and I might actually like it even more than that one.
Yeah; I’m not accepting your indirect self-put down. We all benefit each other here by our work, writing, and support. At least personally, I’ve found your writing to be smart and valuable, and I look forward to seeing more videos from you.
Oh OK, that’s awesome. Thanks for the info!
Yep yep, same here. The only puzzles with which I had any stymie or impediment were those featuring motion/mechanics centered variations to progression. Specifically the bookshop/mystic’s shop you mentioned.
Yeah, I genuinely have no idea what the ending to Earthbound will be like, or how I’ll react. Like Twin Peaks, it’s so unique that I don’t have a roadmap to the story beats.
For me, it’s Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I’ve dumped what feels like a ton of hours into it and I love it, but I don’t feel like I’ve even begun to pretend to imagine to scratch the surface of it. It’s just so huge that I keep taking breaks from it to play “quaint” little 40-hour games.
Yeah, I replayed Banjo-Kazooie when Yooka-Laylee was announced. It was my first time in 10 years and I was amazed at how well it held up. The only annoying thing to me was how the note high score was counted, but in all fairness Rare just kind of ran into hardware limitations there and it was fixed in later releases.…
I am finally making a concerted effort to play all of Majora’s Mask. I never played it on N64. I’ve had it for my 3DS for a while now and I’ve started it at least three times, usually making it through the first temple. Then I’ve taken a break and forgotten what I was doing and I’ve just gotten intimidated by the time…
I’ve been dabbling all over the place lately. Was back on a Skyrim kick for a while, then finally got around to buying extension cables for my SNES mini so I could actually play it comfortably, which had me back in Link To The Past. (I’d forgotten how nasty the later dungeons in that game could be. Nothing on “fuck…
The jokes in Yooka-Laylee have been a very mixed bag. When they’re making puns, it’s on point. Many of their fourth-wall jokes are also enjoyable. But, then they indulge in one of my least favorite tropes: lampshading to try and cover up bad tropes. Look, lampshading isn’t necessarily the worst thing. Done right, it…
Wait, you’re not friends with Topher Grace? How did you get in here?
You blew it. “Spice mines of Kessel” is the answer we were looking for.
The people who think Episode III is better than Return of the Jedi should be sent to Siberia.
Why isn’t “Memento Style” an option?