
If negative tweets are going to be deboosted and demonetized/shadow banned, isn’t that going to involve at least half of Musk’s tweets that are basically sh*t posts? 

Since he was basically begging some essential people to stay after they elected the severance option, it’s highly likely it did NOT work as Musk planned.

where does this weird believe come from musk is somehow genius mastermind and planned all of this?

They still have to pay out the 3 month’s salary. I don’t run a business so I don’t see how this could be good, aside from destroying the company and declaring bankruptcy before he has to pay back the loans he took out to buy Twitter? 

I still can’t get over how dumb this all is. WHO would choose to stay at “hardcore” twitter, with the incentive (???) of longer hours and demands of “exceptional” performance, when they could instead fuck off with three months pay and look for a job where the boss is slightly less of a clueless idiot?

If a spokesperson is aware that they’re working for a company that is defrauding people, they’re absolutely complicit in that fraud. That’s a tough one to prove, though.

Seriously, is Tom Selleck going to get sued for cheating old people out of their homes via reverse mortgages?

How can paid actors shilling companies as an official job responsibility get sued?  Cheese sauce christ, slippery slope.

Correct me if I am wrong, but if they were simply paid celebrity endorsers, one step above an actor in an advertisement, they assume no liabilities. Only if they were investors could they be held liable. Did I miss something?

certain jerseys were too close in color to the polished wooden floors of NBA arenas.

But the CPSC is now warning consumers to stop using and stop buying all Onewheel models entirely”

Business schools are going to be writing about this whole thing for years, but this just might take the cake. He literally just gave any high performing employee a 90 day bonus to leave this sinking ship and find employment elsewhere. Yes, the job market is pretty bad for tech, but for the “hardcore best and the

Reenters the atmosphere at 25,000 mph.

Twitter staff response: “Challenge accepted. Thanks for the severance!”

Seriously, this whole thing is making me fall out of love with SpaceX

too bad you can’t do a blood oath of fealty through the internet LOL.  Fuck this “business genius” to Mars and leave him there.

Clippy should be wearing a Santa hat with the top being a real pompom sewed onto the sweater.

buT hE iS sElF mAdE gEnIuS sPaCe CaR tUbE sOcIaL mEdIa EnGiNeEr!

Maybe it’s like stopping by work on your day off. If you have to be there it sucks, but when you’re just visiting it’s more fun? 

really, wtf, people want to get into the airport for fun... and now I need to wait in a longer line.