
This system is incredibly stupid.

I definitely wish more Steam pages would follow this general idea. Too often I’ll load up a page, watch the trailer and it’s... nothing. Lore dumps, flashy images. No gameplay, I have no idea what the game actually is.

So ... if the paid checkmark doesn’t include any verification, what is the point of getting one? It’s basically like a non-customizable, really boring vanity plate/skin for your Twitter account, except you have to keep paying for it? Kind of a status symbol for people with low standards?

It had me laughing my ass off, for sure.

For anyone interested: the Weird Al movie is fantastic.

Katy Perry does not surprise me all that much. I am always amused when “out” republican actors claim they don’t get work due to their views. But really they just tend to be lousy actors or Kid Rock. (Except for John Voight, I will admit he’s talented.)

Absolutely. Money matters more to those that are than pesky human rights - especially when the right in question (abortion) can be solved for them personally precisely BECAUSE they have money..

I bet a large amount of celebs are, in fact, closeted Republicans.

Well, at least the hyperevolved rat people will have a snack.

I think the idea behind this, is if you have a diesel vehicle, you likely know you have a diesel vehicle and know to always put diesel in it. On the other hand, I know a lot of people that drive gasoline cars that may not even know the diesel exists, or why there is a green handle on the station.

What if we mail CDs to everyone in the world with a copy of the Twitter client. We then give them like 300 hours of free Twitter access and after those 300 hours we get them to pay a monthly fee.

Do it! Do it now! Erect the Great Paywall!

Man, I certainly love it when studios use VR to create games that can do things we’ve never seen before!

There is a very good probability that there would not be an pediatric ER crisis if people just took their kids to the doctor or urgent care AND if we had all kids covered by health insurance. You missed one reason people go to the ER and take their kids to the ER: Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) they

That’s cute that you think he believes in free speech, a day after he started banning people for jokingly naming themselves after him, and three days after he complained that “activists” using their free speech to persuade companies to use their free speech to pause their advertising was somehow an attack on free

Nah, for me it was when he called that cave diver “pedo guy.” It’s just been downhill from there.

D&D lore is just a parallel to what’s happening in the show. They name the enemies based off of their similarities in the game(Because they’re kids and that’s what kids do). They’re not actually those enemies from the game.

I legit don’t understand the point of the blue checkmark if the one thing it gave confidence in (this person is this person) is no longer true and the cachet of having one is seriously diluted. By charging for it and not verifying identity, it seems to be a huge dilution of what it actually *is*, which makes me think

If Twitter and Musk somehow destroyed each other then it’d be a fantastic piece of MAD. Both stink, both toxic, both inexplicably part of the public consciousness. Eat the rich.