
Upcharge for speeding?!  Do they think they are law enforcement now?

LTE? Check. GPS? Check.

Congrats to Jez for playing their part in the bullying!

I had no idea how they were going to wrap this up, but I really loved it.

I don’t know anyone who is excited for one of these, much less four

I think it’s less an issue with cheating they’re worried about so much as headlines screaming “sicko PERVERTS prey on children in VR game and the creators won’t do ANYTHING!”

it’s a chatroom...there’s nothing to “win”...just let the people use mods dammit.

You need to take Craigslist’s name out your damn mouth. I hope in the year 2077 we all have flying cars and we buy used free weights off that same damn interface from 1997.

It must suck knowing you have to make your app less desirable solely because you have to make more money. I’m sure if money weren’t part of the equation, they wouldn’t add this. Soul sucking work is part/most of why I quit my last job and haven’t worked up the strength to go back to that kind of brain damage.

Y’know what?  Fuck science on this one.  

designing to protect and enhance nature.”

Choco Taco, much like the Klondike Bar itself, has been getting smaller and more crappy for like 15+ years now. The last time I had a Choco Taco, it didn’t even have a crunch to it, the ‘taco shell’ part was soggy and paste like.

DAMMIT! I was positive I went through the whole slideshow!

When the Freemasons, the Lizard People, and I were planning our underground lair, I told them it was a bad idea to stick clues about it all over the airport above for everyone to see, but they just said “You don’t understand conspiracies, do you?”

Slide 9!

I barely passed high school chemistry and “Au” immediately leapt out to me as “Gold”. Anyone making the leap from “AuAg” to “Australian antigen” is either an idiot or a troll. Which sums up 99% of these conspiracy theorists.

Just pay no attention to the Orion slave girls.  

I for one am glad we can always count on Star Trek fans to consistently act like rational and empathetic adults in relation to to their fandom.

On the other end of the spectrum, “I find that Star Trek fans have always been very, very inclusive,” he said. “You know, Star Trek’s about diversity. It has been since 1966, it always was. There’s no sort of like, ‘Oh, you’re suddenly being woke now.’ Star Trek was woke from the beginning, you know?”

Because mosquitos are substantial food sources in their ecosystems, across all life stages, and they are also polinators as adults.