
If you just want to see your old negatives, these are fine, but if you care about quality, you’re gonna wanna upgrade to something more professional like an Epson V700 or take your negatives to a photo lab/transfer house.

It might be helpful if in the article you actually said “Do not do this, this is not safe” more explicitly.

Yeah, that is a loaded question, from a PR standpoint, I’m not sure what the best answer is. However, wouldn’t the correct answer be, “No, I shouldn’t have to take less so that others get more. The producers and the studios have more than enough to go around to all of us. If they’re able to compensate me at my rate,

If he wasn’t such a nut, he could possibly be considered the greatest actor of all time, and could probably run for president.  It’s wild that his cult has such a hold on him.

It’s not a disagreement...the sentence makes sense as is, however, there is clearly some grammatical confusion, so it could have been worded better, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with it as written. It should be rewritten as, “SAG-AFTRA’s Very Reasonable Demands Rejected.”

No, the headline means that SAG-AFTRA made reasonable demands which were rejected by the AMPTP. There’s a possessive apostrophe on “SAG-AFTRA’s” Whose contract demands were rejected? SAG-AFTRA’s. Whose demands seem beyond reasonable? SAG-AFTRA’s.

This implies that the AMPTP rejected SAG-AFTRA’s demands and that the

Consider not using images of the Salvation Army, they’re a corrupt organization that’s basically a cult.

Source?  That article doesn’t give the crash rate of autonomous vehicles...it just says that autonomous vehicles have to be incredibly safe in order to beat humans.

Yep...agreed...and compare that to human driver incidents.  I think per capita, driverless cars have proven to be safer than human drivers.  I wouldn’t be surprised if driverless cars cause more traffic hiccups, but I think they’ve proven themselves to be safer than human drivers.

You’re almost certainly wrong about the Friends lego deal.  The sale appears to already be sold out...I was gonna buy it for my partner as a Christmas present...

I can agree with that, lol.

Right, but at a very basic level, how does the AI get a bank of words to choose from in the first place, and how does it learn to construct coherent sentences, let alone learn which word is most likely to come next?

For the sake of argument, what if you only gave an AI the complete works of Shakespeare for its training

The thing is, that’s not how “AI” works. It’s just machine learning, so it can only create based on the input it’s given. AI’s aren’t thinking critically and reinterpreting what they’ve consumed, they’re essentially just parroting back the information they’ve consumed. It’s essentially plagiarism. When you write a

Idk why they needed Johnny Ive to design a turntable that looks like a mildly updated Thorens turntable...which you can buy on ebay for around $1500.

If you think I deserve to be called names for that comment, I have to wonder why you’re so triggered.

lol, ok, says the guy who didn’t reply with a meaningful comment and instead called me names.

We don’t have to lock them up, but it seems you have stumbled upon a very major systemic problem in our society. All of the things you have listed are indeed problematic and are indeed a form a grooming, and it’s gross. Children’s beauty pageants are a form of grooming. The way boys and girls get treated in gymnastics

Grooming doesn’t necessarily mean you want to have sex with kids. It can mean you’re “grooming” them so that they’re ready for you when they come of age. It’s manipulative and creepy. It’s what Drake does. He’s maybe never been physically involved with a minor, but he develops deeply personal and inappropriate

I made it to the part where my password caught on fire...and I had to rage quit.