
Party of small government, eh?

All it did was allow Disney to build stuff without having to file for permits. In exchange, they had to handle all of their own municipal needs, such as utilities, sewage, fire safety.  It’s not like they could pass and enforce their own laws.

So, not only did you misunderstand the pun used in the article, you misunderstand its meaning. Double Plus Good means Very Very Good. Newspeak was designed to limit language. The opposite of Double Plus Good was Double Plus Un-Good. The idea was that even when speaking negatively about something, you were using

Why?  It’s a 1984 reference...

I found this episode incredibly disappointing and lack luster. I’ve been trying to figure out why, especially since Episode 3 had a similar plot and was so engaging and effective. I think it has to do with how they’ve developed Ellie’s character. They’re doing her a disservice by emphasizing her naive and rebellious

I was really confused by this when they reported it on NPR because the reporter kept pronouncing it as “Melk.” So I thought it was about whether or not non-dairy milk could be labeled as “Melk” because “Melk” might be confusing or misleading people who think they’re buying “Milk.”

That’s true, but ultimately disappointing. I’m sure that’s why their games are consistently well made, that is, everything that makes it to market, by virtue of their philosophy, is a passion project. The last mile to get something to market is also the hardest.  If you’re not feeling it, it’s hard to give that final

I really wouldn’t mind seeing ANY game from Valve. They make good stuff. I would love to see what else they can do besides a sequel or spin off. Hell, I’m surprised they don’t produce a lot of smaller indie style games. My understanding is that Valve developers are allowed to work on whatever they want, it seems

Wow...$70 for a vintage style lawn chair??? You’re an absolutely moron if you pay that much for what used to be the cheapest chair on the market...you can get a reclining lawn chair for less than these vintage style ones.

Wow...$70 for a vintage style lawn chair??? You’re an absolutely moron if you pay that much for what used to be the

It wild that under $10mil is considered an indie budget, haha. Will these games be indie priced too? Even at $20 for a game, you’d have to sell half a million copies to break even. Almost a quarter of a million copies if priced at $50. I’m not complaining or criticizing, I’ve just always had a hard time wrapping my

Dear lord...I can’t believe we use to think NSYNC were good dancers...let this be a lesson...choreography does not equal good dancing...

I can get behind that, I think that’s a valid critique. It was VERY much a deus ex machina, but it was foreshadowed in the previous episode, so it was a satisfying Chekov’s Gun. Based on everything we’d seen, I think it was earned. Deus Ex machinas can be fun, it’s not always hack writing to get characters out of an

I have never played the game, but I love video games, and I loved that moment, and that whole sequence. Sure, it may have been fan service to a certain degree, but I thought it was really well done. It REALLY felt like a video game. It REALLY felt like a boss battle. It’s felt like a video game while still remaining

Agreed, but in defense of the Brussel Spouts hate, the ones you eat today are not the ones you ate before the 2000s.  Since the 90s/00s growers  bred Brussel Sprouts to be less bitter and taste much better.

Hang on a minute...Man Bites Dog isn’t depressing...it’s hilarious!

Man...if I hadn’t tried Fried Cauliflower I’d agree with you, but if prepared properly, omg, it’s one of the most delicious things I’ve ever had.

Too bad it’s still homophobic chicken.

This is incredibly hateful. We put trans in front of wo/man for the same reason we put cis in front of wo/man. There’s plenty of cis-women who can’t give birth or menstruate, does that make them less of a woman? Cis is not a pronoun, it’s an adjective. You don’t use pronouns? So I should just use your proper name when

You’re wrong. Refusing to acknowledge that is hateful.

Here’s the problem, no matter how well reasoned her arguments or opinions are the fact of the matter is that she speaks of trans women as different than women, which is not true. She claims that the fight for equality of trans women takes away from her struggles as someone assigned female at birth. This is