
actually, it’s probably more like, “Hey FB peeps, let’s talk about white supremacy and how cool white people are and how bad brown people are.” Then facebook takes down the post. “Hey FB peeps! The liberals at FB are silencing our free speech and suppress our movement! If you want to continue the fight for freedom,

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like this is hardly Discord’s fault. What is Discord’s core competency? Allowing people to plan and communicate about and during video games. What do you do in many of those videos games? You plan attacks to kill enemies. I’m not sure how Discord, without reading everything message

Came here to essentially say this. I know it kinda has mixed reviews, but I thought Rogue One was hands down the best Star Wars movie made. It was really cool to see something outside of the traditional stock character types we’ve come to see in the Star Wars saga. Sure, it was a prequel, but it was still something

...Mah Eggo

Well, actually, the real solution is to stop issuing homework. Based on the latest research, they’ve found that homework doesn’t help students learn better or retain more information. It just conditions them to work outside of regular working hours. Not only that, it’s unfair to those who come from disadvantaged

cause it’s cool as fuck!

Critical Race Theory isn’t some boogyman program. The concepts of CRT have been around since the beginning of the civil rights movement. The whole idea is to examine, discuss, and educate on how racism has roots in our day to day lives, which is absolutely true. The only people fear mongering about CRT are the right,

The amount of out of touch people in this comment section is appalling...

They do have after school programs...well...some schools do...but that’s not always enough time. The point is that the students are all going to be taking a commute. Might as well capitalize on that time.  The prospect of having mobile hotspots that can be easily deployed to different areas is also a neat idea.  You

Almost all now. Especially since the pandemic, everything the students do is done through cloud software such as Google Classroom. All assignments are given through Google Classroom and accepted through Google Classroom. Depending on the school, kids don’t do paper homework anymore.

Source: my partner is an elementary

I routinely did school work on the bus when I was a kid.  What makes you think this is moronic?  just cause you pissed away your time fucking around on the bus doesn’t mean other people did.

Depends on where you live, but yeah.  I  was maybe a 15min car ride from my high school, but the bus ride could easily take 30-45min, maybe even a full hour door to door (time spent waiting on the bus for it to leave school).  I’d routinely finish my school work on the bus, both going to and from school.

On NPR they were saying that Gendron, and other people like him, have all ultimately been emboldened by Tucker Carlson. That it is because of Tucker Carlson giving credibility to white supremacist conspiracy theories that more and more otherwise common people are getting convinced to join white supremacist groups.

I really hope this gets more people to play this game.  It’s such a good competitive game...but I can never find ranked matches...also...I hate that most people tend to go for a military victory and ignore the other 2 ways to win the game...

I really hope this gets more people to play this game.  It’s such a good competitive game...but I can never find

Maybe it’s not good reporting to speculate on why Nvidia is selling better, but my understanding is that AMD is most definitely a better bang for your buck, and potentially even better for creative tasks, but Nvidia has Ray Tracing, and AMD doesn’t. That’s it. That’s at least why I’ve been holding out to try and get a

500px high is more than enough real estate for tools and other control surfaces, or informational read outs, or notes.  I can see this being incredibly useful.

I think you can still say that it was Heard who defamed him because she commissioned the op-ed. The ACLU in this case is basically just a hired hand, but they would be culpable too.

This was my immediate concern...is my $3,000 lighting kit about to be useless if any of my lamps break?!  Should I stock up on lamps?!

Whether or not they’re exempt, the price of lava lamps will probably go up since those bulbs will only be allowed in lava lamps.

This is ridiculous...cancel culture isn’t real...we also objectively know that dairy isn’t great for adult humans. We’re not “supposed” to drink milk past our infancy. We also know for a fact that commercial livestock is absolutely terrible for the environment.

If people are getting peer pressured into doing the right