
@stevenjcarney: yeah...i agree...except this one is most definitely clearly about the picture...or is it? i haven't looked at the NPR link...if gizmodo is going to keep doing short posts...they need to find a way to let us know that the post doesn't go anywhere after the jump...cause i see a story, get excited to read

#corrections i listened to the broadcast and you can get de-cocained cocoa leaves from other places and it's totally legal, that's how they were able to make it on the show.

too bad the new layout is AWFUL! and terribly UNFUNCTIONAL! it's confusing and half the time it doesn't even show all of the latest posts. navigating it is ridiculously hard and does not make browsing any fast. i'm not going to read tiny blurbs on the side to decide what article i want to read, it's too tiny, not

i hear that...this new site is making me so mad! BOOO GAWKER!!!!!!!!! It doesn't even properly display the latest posts, the sidebar navigation for posts is the dumbest invention ever. headlines are supposed to be big! not tiny and off to the side...

on their site they talk about keeping the magnet as a souvenir when you're done with your beer, so you could then recycle the plastic.

i second that!

how am i supposed to contact giz now with this new stupid layout? i wanna tell them how much i loath it...never mind, figured it out...still sucks...not easy to find or intuitive at all...contact page is super hidden.

@TVs_Frank: haha, yeah, but the hamster would have been going EVEN faster if he was just in his ball with no legs.

why didn't they put the big gear on top and the little gear on bottom...it would have gone faster...

@james-42: RED has been working on it, i think Gizmodo posted about it a month or so ago.

This commercial makes no sense...you already need...well most people use both of their thumbs when using a touch screen phone, let alone android powered phones.

this is soooooo not rotoscoped...it may have rotoscoped elements...but that is not the type of animation taking place. it's highly composited and has a feeling of being animated like southpark.

@2 replies: yeah...but this is the true idea of minimalism, only what is absolutely necessary. a cardboard record player isn't minimalist per say, and the VW record player is definitely not minimalist, it's mini...not minimalist. if it weren't for the design of the VW van, you could perhaps consider it minimalist,

@IrishCheerioLadd: this is true, haha. i actually don't mind helvetica all that much tho, but it has to be used for design...not a UI font...but i do despise Arial.

@IrishCheerioLadd: i don't think it's helvetica, it's Arial, Apple's clone of Helvetica.

the movie Toys comes to mind.

@wætherman: i'm sorry, i couldn't hear you over your pretention.

@CaffineFreakUs: i think it's because the picture gives the idea that you could do anything while pumping your breasts. like...it seems to say that you could go to work wearing this thing, pumping your breasts, walk down the street, pumping your breasts...etc.